
It's finally starting to feel like we're reaching the end of a very hot summer here in the UK 🙌🏼

@bethany are you sitting on a roof or something? like a british version of spiderwoman? 🤩

@tymektt can I just say yes and we leave it there? 😂 No, it's actually the view from the office

@bethany great view

Reminds me of the themetune to the children's TV show - Rainbow, with George and Zippy and Bungle......."up above the streets and houses...."

Andy B

@bethany it was almost jacket weather this morning on my regular cycle to the sea

yes, a definite change in the air in the more ways than one...

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily agree! It's still a little warm here but so much different than it has been. It's sooo much nicer

@bethany with you there...not a fan of the warmer weather!

For the nation's poorest I'm hoping for a super warm winter though 🙁

@bethany saved a small fortune on heating the Church building 😎

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