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We don't know, whether to pray and stop the rains or thank God for the delayed work!!!

(Representative Picture)
A group of women leaders are undergoing a special program enjoying powerful sessions.

Unseasonal showers interrupting life. Elderly, farmers, orphans are affected. Please Pray! Share this Life Saving Information for our Vaxxed loved ones and those around them that are shedders and spreaders of this bioweapon. Please share far and wide as we can help save many children's, seniors and people's lives! People getting vaxxed/boosted (not on this site hopefully, but some of our friends and relatives are, so this is to help them) are shedding and spreading this bioweapon (yes, it's patented) not the unvaxxed. You should always have protection against being around those that are actively shedding. The Covid-19 vaccines are manufactured with malaria parasites and spike proteins just to name a few of the reasons people are getting seriously ill with respiratory failure. They are shown to be gene altering (Changes Your DNA!) -19

Was SO excited to have found this mug while speaking at Ichthus in Kentucky… seems quite fitting!! The best natural neuropathy treatments Stop and Reverse Your Painful Neuropathy in Hands, Feet or Legs safely and quickly. Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve pain) is affecting millions of people now, but you can actually stop your nerve pain from ruining your day. Holistic Medicine and Herbal Remedies are Best Natural Remedy for Neuropathy Pain Relief because they work!

Matthew 9:13- I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.
Let us not be afraid to go into challenging places with the power of the Good News. Yes, we avoid situations that is a temptation for us. It is obvious that we should not expose our weaknesses to unnecessary pressures but we should also not stand back either. Far too many Christians wait for the world to come to their churches like a hospital stands ready for the sick. In a society that assumes the church will judge and reject - or that doesn't even understand its own sickness - that approach won't work. Let us go where we are needed; serve wherever we can; take God's grace on the road to reach a grace-hungry world. (adapted from C. Tiegreen, One Year, Salt and Light Devotional, pg. 182.)


108. Intelligent Design

A habitable planet must have a strong magnetic field, similar to Earth’s, to shield life from both deadly solar and cosmic radiation, and to maintain surface water. The planet’s mass and rotation rate should be very similar to Earth’s.

Apart from God nothing matters. We think that health matters, that freedom matters, or knowledge or art or civilization.
And but for one insistent word they would matter indeed. That word is Eternity.

Only what we do in God will remain to us at last . . .

A.W. Tozer Be Prepared never Scared! It's not a question of If but When, so be prepared when the SHTF so you and your family will not only survive but thrive in any situation. What you really need is a tactical survival plan, personal protection (2 legged and 4 legged) clean drinking water, knowing what food to eat or use as medicine, basic shelter and first aid. Don't wait till there is mass panic, be ready before and you will be so glad you did.  

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