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Perhaps Twitter believes preaching Jesus in the Middle East must be more dangerous than the Taliban?

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JUST RELEASED! Podcast with Frank Viola about his new book.
When everything with politics, jobs, pandemic, LIFE seem out of control - it is because it IS OUT OF YOUR CONTROL - BUT it is NOT out of God's control. Letting go of the troubles and clinging to Christ is SUCH a powerful message for today.

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Taiwan Military Academy Cadets receive Heavenly Man Book in Chinese from BTJ Ambassador.

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So today I was told on line by a respected Bible teacher that I am not a follower of Christ if I don't wear a mask.
Seems like legit theology to me.

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Mariam Ibraheem is on Foxnews and NewsMax tonight talking about life under Sharia Law after the fall of Afghanistan.

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How dangerous is the Gospel message?
BTJ's social media developer was kicked off Twitter
Taliban's social media manager has 300k Twitter followers and used Twitter to coordinate the capture of Kabul.

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I've been hanging out with some Afghani refugees while here in France. All men. Part of me says, "Why did you leave the women and children behind and come alone?"
Then I hear their stories about how they got here. Walking for days with no food, kidnapped, beaten by police, etc...
Some have been away from family for years, trying to get accepted by some country.
One young man told me today that if he were in Afghanistan now, he would be killed.
It's hard to imagine what it's like to be in their shoes

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China quotes top expert to argue about the origin of the coronavirus. There is just one problem with the expert that they quoted.

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Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The Light of the world is Jesus! Come to Jesus today and let Him wash you whiter than the snow! Friend there is Hope for you in Christ alone! Jesus is the answer!

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Maybe it is because I have lived in China for over 20 years? I don't know, but I LOVE tea sooooo much more than coffee. And without exaggeration - BTJ teas are the best on the market.
They are great for home, church, and Bible studies AND EVERY BOX of TEA SOLD goes to support the school fees of children of persecuted Christians.

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davereimer boosted

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The rain falls the same on the just and unjust but God remains faithful to those who put their trust in Him! Jesus is tenderly calling! Will this be the day you put your trust in Jesus Christ?

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130 Christian fishing boats in China were forced to remove their crosses.
Yes - fishing boats!
But that is not the end of the story.
Half the population around the harbor where these boats are docked are Christian. After this unexplainable action by the Chinese government - that number is expected to rise sharply.
Persecution is the most potent fertiliser the church has and China has purchased it in bulk and doesn't use it sparingly.

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Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Seek the Lord and He will be found! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Give all your broken pieces to Him, for there is Hope for you in Christ!

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