Christians rare all over the place when it comes to engaging with politics. This is a frustrating fact. The world NEEDS us to engage in politics. This is the key fact to keep us on track: Politics is not the solution, but Christians bring Jesus, who is the solution, into politics.


@KarlGessler are you sure?

Heb 11:13: "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were and on the earth."

1Pet 2:11: "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as and , abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;"

What right have and to meddle in politics?

@erdenpilger Yes, I am sure.
The logic behind your argument suggests that God created a physical world, including ourselves, with the main objective being an escape from it! Why does Jesus heal the sick and raise the dead if “this world is not my home”? Why does the Psalmist say “The earth is the Lord’s?” If we are supposed to treat it like it has no value? Why does Revelation say that God will “destroy those who destroy the earth,” if God intends to destroy the earth Himself? And why did God see all that He has made and say “it is good”? Are we suppose to disagree with Him?

What right have you, as a servant of the Messiah, to ignore the plight of sex-slaves, the killing of babies, or the anti-Christ agenda of communists? Where is your compassion?

@KarlGessler It is enough for me to know that I am not of this world, called a pilgrim, called to a live of obedience.

All you mention has not much to do with politics. You do all that and still stay away from politics.

If you seek decisive arguments against Christian politics, study the reformation, Study Northern Ireland's history.

Well, that's my understanding...

@KarlGessler I'm no linguist, but I'd say: it's the affairs of the (earthly) state.

Pretty much what Rome is expert in, just ask @xixiangdong :)

@KarlGessler btw: Jesus was no politician either. He preached a heavenly kingdom, not an worldly . ;)
Let's follow Him. This world and all thats in it has no future.

@erdenpilger I am sorry, but that is not Biblical. That kind of thinking has much more to do with Plato than Jesus. Jesus taught His followers to pray saying, “...Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven...”
Escapism is not noble.

@KarlGessler @erdenpilger Lol. It took me 20 minutes to find and read the thread, the coherent thread, that contains you two's conversation were you disagree.

After reading it carefully, i think there is more that you agree on than disagree. But, what do I know? Both of you have ignored me quite a bit, but I don't mind, brothers! Pilgrim just happened to throw me in when he mentioned Rome.

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