@sinbach Please tell us how our brothers and sisters in China "pray for those in authority" over them. Since we have entered a new world order, we need mentors.

@sinbach absolutely stupid. Moses instructed the people to choose capable leaders to make judgments. Exodus 18. Yeshua didn't vote. Obviously. He wasn't eligible. But He had plenty to say to both Roman officials. How do you possess the land with this I don't care attitude? Was Wilberforce wrong? That was the attitude of the German Church in the 30s. Don't get involved. Hideous and utterly sinful attitude. Forget abortion and sex trafficking? Fight for nothing?

@gladflicka one of us did 2 tours in the persian gulf in special operations. one of us served on the San Marcos police department and lost a partner in the line of duty. one of us has two sons currently training to be officers in the US military. I will gladly compare my record of "being involved" with anyone on this forum - including yours if you would like. so pls let's perhaps be careful when throwing around accusing phrases like an "I don't care attitude" or "hideous and utterly sinful attitude." I have seen Chinese brothers and sisters give their life in sacrifices that are hard to even imagine. It is a clear mistake to say they are sitting on the sidelines. I would argue that their involvement is a spiritual one that supersedes the act of mere politicking and they are currently possessing the land with the largest Christian revival this world has ever seen. Pls don't mistake their silent sacrifice with apathy.


@sinbach they are telling others not to vote. That's my point.

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