Discovered this gem in a cabinet in our rental cabin in the mountains. Needed to share w someone.

If you’re using Google drive to store things that matter to you - especially if those things are not popular with those in power today, you would be wise to back it up somewhere else.

Sometimes when you sell everything and move to another country, you wind up on top of the dam in a wadi on the Arabian peninsula.

Just a little puerh tea to tide me over until time for more coffee….. @tymektt

I don’t even know how I could have done this differently 😂
My family is in the middle of relocating to a new country, and we are working on setting up our house but we don’t have anything in the kitchen yet, so we ordered some soup and flatbread from a local restaurant.
In the comment section of my order I put “spoons please“

This is what I got. Send help.

This is my audience for wrapping Christmas packages tonight 😂
I love these bears! The subtle differences between each one really helps me to connect with the understanding that it was handmade by a different real woman.

The handwritten name tags are full of daring - to continue on, to hope.

Each of these is preparing to go to a different niece or nephew when we celebrate Christmas tomorrow, their families are not yet fully alive to what we are created for - and I’m asking God to insert these bears in each home like a ticking time bomb, drawing my extended family to himself, and shining light all over the place.
Let these nieces and nephews KNOW who made them and what they are made for - and may these little bears be a seed.

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