O tem sem precej razmišljal zadnje čase - naivni smo, če mislimo, da smo imuni na to nevarnost

Matjaž boosted
Matjaž boosted

Also keep me in prayer. I had a seizure so I’m on
Seizure medication.

Matjaž boosted

According to Joshua Project, there are about 7,402 unreached people groups in the world who haven't heard the gospel, representing about 3,278,434,000 people. Let's spread out and look beyond the four walls of our local churches.

Matjaž boosted
Matjaž boosted

@Aeon Hvala!
A se da takšna sporočila poslat večim?

Tole daljšo zadevo sem spisal pred štirimi leti, ob 500-letnici reformacije. Zdaj je tudi na mojem blogu. Aktualno enako ali še bolj.


@prayvolutionary Let's pray for prayer, that God pours out "the spirit of grace and supplications" (Zec 12:10).

Matjaž boosted

Fingers crossed for the 100 Indian large populated districts with not even 1% Christian's. Pray for Grace to see more intercession!

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