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Update on permanent American resident John Cao in China

Pastor John Cao’s Diary - ChinaAid

> On June 4th, the police detained me for over 20 hours without reason. Today, June 6th, they came up with a new tactic. Around 4pm, I walked out of my mother’s room 2015, where I am temporarily staying, only to see two worker-like individuals installing a high-definition camera directly facing my mother’s doorway. I shouted aloud: β€œMom, come quickly and see....

How an $861 debt = 20 years a slave -

> This is a story of how a Christian family in Pakistan endured over 20 years of bonded slavery in a brick kiln, and how they finally found freedom. Maryam and her family, trapped by a debt of less than $900, faced daily struggles in the scorching heat and constant dust of Pakistan's brick kilns.

> After losing her husband to a respiratory illness caused by the harsh working conditions...

πŸ™ β™₯️

Nehemiah gives key to revival in his response to the spiritual condition of God's people:

> Nehemiah 1:3 And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.

His response:

> 4 And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven,


The Fall of America with Jamie Walden - Remnant Call Radio

> Join us as Brother Jamie shares a never before shared dream he had. Keep up with Jamie @

Church Bombings, Terrorist Attacks: Preparing Disciples for Persecution in Congo

> Dr. David Kasali, founder and president of Congo Initiative, is determined to disciple more Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a place where they are being specifically targeted for persecution by terrorist groups and radical Islamists.

Mass displacement and looting in Sinjah After RSF attack - Sudan Tribune

> Sinjah, the capital of Sennar state, and surrounding areas are experiencing a mass exodus of civilians following the Rapid Support Forces’ (RSF) attack on the city on Saturday.

Blitzkrieg: RSF advance deep into Sennar State and storm into the capital Sinja

> Shocked residents scrambled to leave the Sennar state capital Sinja yesterday after the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) suddenly and unexpectedly stormed into the city, which lies in a fertile agricultural region along the banks of the Blue Nile.

10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching - Michael Snyder

> Unfortunately, even though very alarming warning signals are flashing all around us, most of the population of the western world seems absolutely clueless about what is really going on out there. Leaders all over the planet seem to have come down with a really bad case of β€œwar fever”, and preparations for apocalyptic showdowns are being made.


Yes only 77 and still very active till the end promoting WFPB diet.

One of my favorite Whole Food Plant Based diet proponents passed away this week - Dr. John McDougal 😟

US: China still arresting β€˜thousands’ each year for practicing faith - RFA
> Chinese authorities continue to arrest β€œthousands” of people a year for practicing their faith in ways that undermine the primacy of the Chinese Communist Party, a new U.S. State Department report says.
> Released by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday, the 25th annualΒ Report on International Religious FreedomΒ says China’s constitutional guarantees to religious freedom are obstructed.

Christian Evangelist Slain in Eastern Uganda - Morningstar News

> An evangelist who had received death threats from Muslim extremists was killed after leading Muslims and others to Christ on June17 in eastern Uganda, sources said.

> Job 19:25-27 πŸ“–

But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives. In the end, he will stand upon the earth.

After my skin is destroyed, then I will see God in my flesh,

whom I, even I, will see on my side.
My eyes will see, and not as a stranger.

β€œMy heart is consumed within me.

PROPHECY: They Come Now - He comes soon YT channel

"End times prophecy message and word from our Lord Jesus Christ"


Dear sister Mary,
You are highly esteemed and greatly loved!
God richly bless you and family.
I will begin praying for you πŸ™
- Z

Soon - by Z

With a heavy heart
a foreboding
of impending destruction
of things soon to come
I write this in prose

When will the shoe drop?
When will the event happen?

Think not that it won't!
It will surely happen!

The dark clouds gather
the sky darkens...

Hide thyself my beloved
Hide thyself in Me
PS. 91

Please watch these and prepare:
"Foolish Nation"

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