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This is a news-site in Swedish that tells about how in Germany the leftist green party have introduced sexrooms for children in the daycare. The aim is that kids can use the rooms for masturbation and for exploring their genitals to eachother and to play sexgames.

I also heard that WHO is suggesting masturbation in the daycare for kids between 0-4 years.

Nothing will protect the kids from pedophiles after this. 😭

Please come soon Lord Jesus!🙏🏻

"Do not become impatient while God is producing Christ-likeness in you. Do not seek more responsibilities than those He has given you."

- Henry Blackaby

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4 million illegal immigrants in the US cross the border but this one Christian’s visa is revoked without his knowledge and he is imprisoned for a whole year just to find out that he has to leave the country he loves. So crazy.

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Do you need a daily devotional for your personal, family, or fellowship use? The Lord led me to start writing the Green Pastures Devotional, which I send out daily. It's rich in content and will surely bless you. DingDash doesn't have enough space to contain the texts, otherwise I could have been posting it here daily.

Kindly contact me privately on my WhatsApp number if you want me to be sending you the devotional daily. Here's my number: +2348035465741

God bless you. Much love.

@richardafaherty Thanks brother Richard, Wow that sounds awesome. I pray that God lifts up new spirit-filled Godly men in this generation to lead and to preach the true gospel without compromise! That hearts would be cleansed and lives would be transformed. That God would pour out His Spirit on the nations, starting with us, His people. 🙏🏻

@richardafaherty Thanks for your comment. Yes I've read it too, I believe his name is Nicky Cruz, it's an incredible story of God's love and power towards a lost world! I can't imagine someone more filled with Christ's love than David Wilkerson, so it's radical to hear him talk against these 'seeker-friendly churches' of our time - those who claim to be preachers of God's love, but actually deceive people when they neglect repentance and the cross!

"God demands more than coming to the cross, he demands going through the cross. And that's the offense: that it takes everything a man has, and owns and trusted."

"He demands full obedience. He demands everything we have. We have an another gospel now that tells what the cross did for him, but not what it wants to take him to".

" I didn't only come to the cross, I picked up my cross and went through it with him."

The gospel folks is not only forgiveness, it's not only believe and go to heaven some day, not only saving of the soul but about saving the BODY. This flesh. It says I want your body as a living sacrifice and that's the preaching of the cross".

- David Wilkerson

An excellent speech about the times we are living and how to prepare us for the future 🙏🏻❤

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@sarikorpi We serve an awesome God whose ways are not our ways!! I pray God anoint Torbin with His mighty Spirit and bring peace to him & his family! I pray many will be brought to salvation, joy and peace thru God’s Spirit! “ NOT BY MIGHT ,MOT BY POWER , BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD” Zachariah 4:6

Here's the newest update from Torben.
This is encouraging - how Torben is living out his Christian faith in the prison. I'm thinking, how can I show more of God's love to people around me, to see and understand the needs, and be a help where I can? 🙏🏻

"It is more blessed to give than to receive". Acts. 20:35

@davereimer Torben has sent a small greeting (not a video, just a writing) on YouTube for 23 hours ago. He's still in jail, now 1 year and 18 days, but he thanks God for His goodness. An inmate has just two days ago told Torben he's thanking God for sending Torben there. His life has been transformed, he will never be the same, and he says that the whole dorm is changed. So Torben says God is working on so many levels, but that also the fight is really still on. So he will come out with a longer update in a few days. He says: "Please keep all of this in your prayers, as everything is coming to an end and everything can happen at any moment now. Thank you for your love and support towards me and my family. God is moving, and He has a plan with all if this".

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"What we are is God’s gift to us; what we do with it is
our gift to Him."
Warren Wiersbe
on Sovereign Election

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