"Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God." (Mat. 22:29).
Here Jesus was correcting the sadukees who didn't believe in resurrection from the death.
I'm thinking, how much have we as church gone wrong in a similar way today? Do we have faith in the real Jesus (who is Son of God, yet a man) and who is powerful in everything concerning our lives? Do we understand (and truly believe/act on it!) that the same power that raised up Jesus from the grave, now dwells in us? Are these signs following us (Mark.16:17-18)?
Do we know what the Bible says and read it by ourselves? Or do we trust that our pastor knows the best so that we don't need to read or understand it ourselves? Do we lean on tradition more than on God's word?
We need them both: the Power (Gods Holy Spirit) and the scripture (the Bible), so that we won't go astray.
God help us! 🙏
“Who is this?” they said to each other. “Even the wind and the sea do what He says!” (Mark 4:41).
Do we know this Jesus? Does this storm-calming Jesus disappear when we close our Bibles?
At times, I think I expect much more from my wife than I do from Jesus. But my wife can’t command storms and seas....
We expect far too little from Jesus.
We need to reconcile our creeds with our attitudes, decisions, and general approach to life.
A Jesus of theory or story hour is a sentimental comfort. The real Jesus commands the wind and seas and is a force to be reckoned with.
Jesus called the twelve, and began to send them out in pairs, giving them authority over unclean spirits. Mark 6:7
How do you imagine this exchange took place?
How did the disciples “receive”
Did Jesus hand them a badge or give then papers with proof authorization?
How did authority come to rest on the disciples?
I think that the only logical answer is that it came through the mere words of Jesus. The statement “I grant you authority” from someone who possess authority must be enough.
The Gospels state that Jesus granted His disciples authority for healing sickness and casting our demons several times. Why? Because disciples for generations to come would need to know that they are granted authority for doing the works of Jesus.
I am a disciple.
I have authority.
Jesus said so.
It’s that simple.
To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice - Keith Green
I love this teaching about the Fear of the Lord, and what it truly means. I don't hear it in many churches nowadays, but it's just something I desire to have more of! This is the Father I love ❤🙏
"You alone are my hearts desire!" ❤🙌
A really good question.
Just an observation understanding that causation and correlation are not the same.
I spent xmas in a cabin with my parents and siblings.
Everyone got the rhona....well almost everyone.
I got it. two boys and wife got it (confirmed with test). My step-dad got it.
We are all v@xed. My shots were in October and my stepdad just had the booster last month and he was so bad that he was taken into surgery and is currently in the urgent care wing of the Ball Memorial Hospital.
My unv@xed mother is five years older than my step-dad and only had the sniffles. She was over it in a day. My unv@xed sister - yep, she did NOT get it at all.
So....on a personal level....the record in our family for those with the jab is less than underwhelming.
Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994)
We live too much in this world. We're earthbound. How many of us know someone who is eternity conscious? What America needs is somebody who will go through every church in the country and preach for a week on eternity: Preach one day on
the Judgment Seat of Christ. Preach one day on
the Judgment of believers. Preach one day on
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Again, I've
told you before, I don't just want to go to heaven,
I want to go to…
this is Tammy- my sister Debbie went home to be with Jesus Today. she wanted to be healed but her body gave out due to covid and her doctors refused to let her take the ivermectin that was prescribed for her. I pray tonight she is wrapped in the arms of Jesus! this is Debbie's account and I know she appreciated all your prayers! please keep my family in prayer as this is a devastating loss - we are saddened to lose her - but know she's with God!
Cat getting massage
Now I am free !! 🙌
thank you for your prayers Tammy is doing better unfortunately my oxygen levels keep dropping. I am trying to not give into the fears . I know it does not come from God. hospital refuse to treat with invermectin.. have a doctor who will treat me if I can ever get out of hospital but can't unless oxygen levels stabilize. I really appreciated reading your prayers. I'm extremely grateful. I am extremely tired. the isolation is horrible. I know there are so many suffering out there. may Christ bless you all.
I'm Mikko's wife and mother of our 5 wonderful children. We live in south of Finland, but I was born and raised up in north of Sweden. Jesus is my everything and my purpose in life is to follow him in everything I am and do. ❤
Rom. 12:1