
Did Tom Brady depend on a Hindu god and his wife, a practicing witch, for a Super Bowl win?
Christians in India have seen persecution skyrocket in 2020 and much of the persecution comes at the hands of the followers who believe in the same Hindu god that Tom Brady looks to for removing obstacles during a game.

@sinbach wow - that explains my resistance to watching that yesterday. I only got to halftime and was done, but it was an unsettling time.
I should listen to those promptings of the Holy Spirit more - no matter what The Babylonians are doing.

@sinbach well, Tom Brady is going to be in my prayers! I'm gonna pray Christians flood his life at every turn that the love of Jesus will crush the false god's he looks to. Satan falls at the power of the name of Jesus. Plz, Lord, deliver the Brady family from the grip of the enemy. Plz make the gospel shine in Tom's darkness.

@sinbach Thank you for this article. So heartbreaking to see what is going on in India, in real Hindu culture. It's so true that in the west, many people take buddha statues, "healing" stones, "being a good witch/spiritual" etc so lightly. They often have no idea that they are inviting demons into their home. Praying for eyes to open, ears to hear and hearts to receive the one and only true and living god – Jesus.

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