@sinbach this podcast really stirred me up. I'm so so sooo far away...

"Lord, don't hold back. Bring everything in my life or take anything away that you wish, so that I might be more like You!
Away with the pleasures of this world. Make me a true follower no matter what!"

Time to repent again.

@sinbach have to say, I think this was one of the best podcasts you've ever done. SO good

@bethany thanx for the kind words. i really feel that this was an original and inspired word, done without notes and spontaneous. those kind of messages are few and far between.
i am surprised that i was inspired to also share in the podcast about the movie list i shared with you and why i have shared them with you. 😁

@sinbach yeah I chose to overlook the fact you called me both a charity case and a child stranded in the desert of a third world country in the space of 30 seconds... you know, being the bigger person and everything😇😉

@bethany you ARE the bigger person. i was punching up with my exaggerated hyperbole.

@sinbach no no, I give you as much as you give me. Fair's fair

@sinbach amen brother! I talk with God continuously myself. It's not about rituals, it's about the realtionship!

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