This is concerning for ALL Christians.
APPLE is using access to photos, messages, and videos on iPhones and iCloud to report criminals, but could their cozy relationship with China change what crimes they report?


@tanjaostman @Jim341 @Toolman thanx so much for that help Tanja! So crazy that you remembered that episode.
Yes, Samsung is the phone that I recommend because it is NOT made in China - unlike iPhone, HOWEVER the operation platform of Android is just as likely to compromise. There are other platforms out there, but nothing yet that is as useable that I would recommend. Because of Operation Black Trumpet and the ability to side-load programs, our team recommends Android software and NOT Apple.

@sinbach not hard to remember that you mentioned Samsung - I'm using my third Samsung phone right now. But I don't have a brain like Rain Man, so I had to look up the right episode in the pod. 🤣

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