@sinbach There are difficulties in every nation. The details differ, but people are facing challenges everywhere. This is a good time to share the hope of the Gospel in every nation. This hope is so desperately needed.


@Cherishingsparrows2020 @speakthetruth sounds like a great idea. keep to your convictions. I haven't had the vaccination and haven't been sick in many years. I too don't judge others who take it and even hope to one day take it myself just to piss off the purists.
I am a firm believer that ALL healing comes from the Lord. God gave us that blessing. Why do you think medicine and medical practices are SO MUCH BETTER IN CHRISTIAN and JEWISH countries? How do we know that the vaccination isn't a gift? Because Joe schmo heard from God and said it's the mark of the beast? pfftt....my entire family had the vaccine and are doing great because of it. if someone doesn't want to take it, then GREAT. DONT TAKE IT.
BUT to pressure others to take it or not to take it by invoking Christ is bullshit. God forgive us for absuing His name for our own pursuits.

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