
I know that many of my friends will NOT agree, but i cant help it! I LOVE traveling in Constitutional Carry states where I get to carry this.
In all the nations I work in, I'm not allowed to carry this, BUT today I'm free!
Eeeekkkk, it feels like Christmas day.
I promise Will, I will give it back and the end of the tour πŸ˜‚

@sinbach freedom without action to enjoy that freedom just isn't freedom at all...

@Berrybunchfamily I am not sure I completely understand the syntax, but you said "freedom" enough times for me to like it and agree. πŸ˜‚

@sinbach πŸ˜‚

Let me try another way.

In the Falklands, not long after the British had retaken the islands, a journalist got annoyed at a plane flying low overhead and the very loud noise it made - interrupting his interview with an islander.

He asked, pointedly, how badly that noise annoyed the woman.

She simply replied that that noise was the sound of freedom!

If we don't exercise our freedom, we lose it - even if it still stays legal.

I always think of syntax as a computer term...shows how English I am 🀣

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @sinbach I was there in 1982 It was probably a SeaHarrier jet from either 800 sqn or 801 seems so long ago now I was 21 aboard Hms Hermes

@sinbach Okey, could you please explain to me why would someone carry a gun with him on the streets? I as a Finn don't understand this at all. I can somehow see that to have a gun inside your house, you might be able to scare away possible intruders or burglers (if you are living in a very bad area of a large city.) But why carry it with you? What is the meaning of a gun in your pocket? I do wish to understand this!

@sarikorpi what if i told you that i might not be able to explain it as you would like? would you be offended and never talk to me again - or unfriend me on DD? what if I said it was out of love and that you and I express love differently, therefore you might not understand or what if I said that i believe there is a programming difference from creation between protector and nurturer and while both are needed, both approach safety and love in a different manner? would you be offended even more? what if i told you that i am traveling together on a book tour with an amazing woman today that has had a fatwa issued against her and is speaking out against Islam and while she is NOT afraid of those that might wish her harm, I have it in my DNA to help protect her in every way that I can. What if I told you that I love being able to protect those that I love, even while traveling, and not having to ask permission from the government to do it?
Still not convinced? I didn't think so πŸ˜„

@sinbach Thanks for your answer!

I think you might be underestimating me and what I'm capable to understand, even as a woman πŸ˜‰

If wearing a gun is because of giving protection, like as a bodyguard, I don't have problems understanding that. I think my husband would react in a similar way as you, if he had to go on a tour with a woman that had been given fatwa. So I do respect your way of thinking and I can see the love behind your actions.

I even understand how sometimes obeying God could mean breaking the law. God sure can lead us to act so, for His greater purposes.

And no, I'm not that kind of a person who get offended too easy. So as long as I'm concerned, I have no problems for us remaining friends. πŸ˜‡ I don't mind us having different views in some areas, but I do like to change thoughts and express my opinion! In that way I might learn something or understand things in a new way. If that's OK for you. 😊

@sarikorpi @sinbach My daughter was in her car in a fast food drive through. A huge man came up to her window and starting hitting it and yelling for her to get out of the car, he wanted to hijack her car. After several minutes of this, she finally pulled out her gun and when he saw it, he left her car and started doing it to the car behind her. That is one of several reasons I could tell you that it is good to carry a gun! The streets are NOT safe!

@sinbach About your post of wearing a gun: I told my husband about my conversation with you, and he didn't like it AT ALL that I had questioned you in this issue. He gave me at least 10 reasons why it's good to wear a gun with you, and said there's even 300 more reasons than these!! He really got me convinced and convicted.

I need to say Eugene that please forgive me for questioning you, even confronting you at some points and issues here at dingdash - I don't want to be disrespectful to you! πŸ˜₯

I want to say I really honour you and your work as a leader in the BTJ - God bless you mightly!! πŸ™πŸ’–

Your sister in Christ, Sari

@sarikorpi πŸ˜‚ stop! NEVER quit questioning and challenging ideas and concepts - NO MATTER WHO PEDDLES them. i am the LAST person you should trust and the first person you should challenge. I am literally surrounded by friends and loved ones that question my judgement every second - as they should. πŸ˜‚
Bless you my dear sister

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