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I know, this podcast is NOT for everyone.
But as a Christian I think I need to be honest & ask - perhaps in the strongest language possible - what do I need in life to follow Jesus regardless of what the world thinks? What keeps me from sacrificing myself on the alter of PC culture? What is inside of me that makes me desire, so stinkin' strongly, to be accepted by the world - even now?
Is my desire to be seeker friendly keeping from fully embracing the Gospel message?
Does fund raising ever influence the things I chose to share or not share?
Was there EVER a time in history when followers of Christ were accepted and loved by the world? If not, then why do I now think things are different?
This is a raw and painfully, blatantly pointed podcast.

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Good morning DD! I wonder what amazing things our Lord will do through His Church this week!

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"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth... Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life." -Genesis 9:13,15 🌈☁️🌎🌊

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Hey DingDash family, I just did a GREAT podcast with Todd @PrepperWebsite. I think you guys are going to love it! We will be posting next week.
PrepperWebsite is new to DingDash, so pls welcome him to our small family.

Here is a sneakpeek at our next book cover. you are seeing here on DingDash FIRST.

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“Spurgeon’s intense evangelization raised opposition...”

A lot of Christians foolishly, in my view, speak about the increase of opposition as “good for the Church.” I think we have that figured the wrong way. Persecution hurts the Church in many ways. Sometimes, it can stir a deeper faith in a few but it can also damage many. We ought not rejoice in rising persecution. We should rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit. You see, the shoe needs to be on the other foot. We don’t need the world to persecute us for revival to take place. We need to take the war to the enemy. Work for revival and persecution will come. We will rejoice in it then because we know we are having an effect. It is the cornered tyrant that lashes out against his enemies. The godless who have everything their own way are the rulers who ignore us.

Spurgeon’s evangelism threatened the powers that be, even in the organized church.

Let’s be a problem for evil doers and compromisers today by obeying the Lord fully.

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Being a church planter in uganda and rwanda. This is a church that was to be opened soon/launch but the shutdown in uganda has made it not possible soon I had scheduled this day. But now not sure when.
Lift the church and the body of. Christ in prayers

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Sinobach boosted

Burkina Faso: Children Ages 12-14 Responsible for Massacre of over 130 People
#breitbart June 26, 2021

Child soldiers “between the ages of 12 and 14” perpetrated a massacre in Burkina Faso this month that killed over 130 people, Burkina Faso’s government said on Thursday.

“I saw them arrive on their motorcycles... over a hundred – so many I couldn’t count them. They killed a baby who wasn’t even crawling yet and left its mother alive...

As we fellowship together on this Sunday morning and remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may we also remember in prayer our BTJ missionaries serving the persecuted church in North Korea.

China's new persecution policies leads to old school revival in the house church.

A big thanks to Donald Leow for the nominations!!!!!
SUCH A BLAST making this video series while going a 'little old school' with the idea of being sent out 2-by-2 - it was me and my dear brother who doubled as a cameraman (who can't be named for security reasons), ZERO budget, ZERO script, - armed with a handful of plane tix, the Word of God, Wikipedia and dodging arrest on several continents.
It is truly a road-trip Bible Study series and maybe one of the most exciting things I have ever been apart of.

I literally just did this to my youngest son last week. He gave his mom some attitude, so I threw him in the car and drove him out to the countryside, ran him HARD for an hour without saying a single word. When he thought he was dying, I ran him some more and told him if he didn't keep up with me, I would drag him by the hair of his head. He kept running.
After two hours of running, we both left in a good mood. He told his mother he loved her and we spent the night watching a movie.

The BTJ missionaries in Egypt have not had an easy road, but they are doing amazing work!
Please continue to pray for them.

My flight from Boston to Indianapolis was canceled yesterday. HUNDREDS OF FLIGHTS CANCELED. Airlines don't have enough pilots.
I tried to rent a car in Boston - ZERO rental cars. Philadelphia - NONE! Chicago - NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE CAR FOR MONTH OF JUNE! Indianapolis - NOTHING
As traveling missionaries, BTJ predicted this would happen to the travel industry.

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