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@Ekc8443 welcome to DingDash! we are excited that you have joined our DingDash family.

@Ringring welcome to DingDash. We are super excited that you are here.

NYT is reporting that FB hack is unlikely.
I am not so sure....
It is has been about 4 hours now with almost no information?
I KNOW FB knows what is happening. They DO NOT want people to know if they were hacked because that would lead to massive losses in stock prices.

what is interesting is that Facebook can't EVEN get a basic page up that says "sorry for the inconvenience, we will be back up and running soon."
This seems worse that we thought.

I don't think that this has anything to do with China (as some are saying), but if is China is behind it - would that be an act of war?

Fluffy can neither confirm nor deny that he had anything to do with the Facebook crash.

@cpineda welcome to DingDash. We are excited that you are here!

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@TyaneBoye welcome to DingDash. We are excited that you are here.

It is now being reported that there were many FB employees that were not able to enter their building in the morning.
Sounds like FB is trying to isolate and lock down the area to identify the threat?

We have had 8 new DD users in last 15 minutes.

Facebook has only been down for 4 hours and already the real news is starting to get out.
All that work for nothing.

@Ellie welcome to DingDash. we are excited that you are here.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach @messenjahofchrist Wow!
That's serious! I didn't hear about it....
I'm so glad I asked!!!!

@Christen welcome to DingDash. We are glad you are here!


It is being reported that Data of over 1.5 billion Facebook users is being sold on a popular hacking-related forum. Data contains users’ names, emails, phone numbers, locations, gender, and user ID.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach If they never recover, can't say I will shed any tears over it!

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