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DingDash 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Open for business 💥

There are rational explanations about this crash being a technical issue, but there is now speculation that this crash could have been initiated by an insider.

So far it seems that this event will cost Facebook about $100 million USD.
That is if it stops now.
It is not just FB.
Many people that use Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp for business are losing money right now.
This is the day after a massive FB whistleblower.

Did the Facebook algorithm lock them out of their own account? 😂

ATT, Verizon, TMobile, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram all go down? 3 hours and counting....
And they don't know what is going on?
I can understand that things might go down and you not know for first 30 minutes - but now? Someone knows
Someone knows.

TMOBILE, Verizon, and ATT in the US are also down???

Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?

Hey Facebook!
Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again?

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram - all down.
You know what is NOT down?
DingDash baby!
Our little budget choochoo keeps steaming on down the tracks!

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach it sounds so good doesn't it..........until you think about it for more than a millisecond...............and realise if people can be re-educated, then so can you!

interesting how those that espouse being inclusive, are the most exclusive of people

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach There are difficulties in every nation. The details differ, but people are facing challenges everywhere. This is a good time to share the hope of the Gospel in every nation. This hope is so desperately needed.

Whoopi Goldberg wants people that do not agree with her to be "re-educated."
BTJ has worked with several Chinese pastors to share their experience in detail about government enforced re-education.
It's NOT pretty.
Those books are available now.

Sinobach boosted

I’ve found myself returning to this article a few times this week. Each time my heart breaks and I feel powerless to bring about change. The one thing I can do is pray!

It’s easier to close our eyes and ears to things that happen in other nations but we have a responsibility to pray as though it is happening on our own doorstep. These girls, children, aren’t protected or even free to choose their own future. Please read…. Please pray….

We are putting together our BTJ Book Tour with Mariam Ibraheem for March 2022.
Sunday March 13th will be in Fairfax County, just outside of Washington DC, where Mariam will share her story and will be signing books.
More details to come. Can't wait!

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Sinobach's choices:

DingDash is one server in the network