Now, apply this to God's word. Is God's law a tradition or has it been given for our benefit and safety? Can we just disobey God's law because we want? What happens to lawbreakers in your country? They are punished, right? It is the same with God's word.
Can we remove or change the laws of our land? NO! Again, can we do that to the laws that were created by one so much more powerful?
"This is looking spiritual!" Extreme weather is plaguing China this week like we have never seen. Video footage of dark TORNADOS in the north, MONSOONS in the south, worse FLOOD in the last hundred years in the west, EARTHQUAKE in Xinjiang, and yesterday - I KID-YOU-NOT - hail stones fell from the sky on Beijing in the SHAPE OF THE CORONAVIRUS. YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS TO BELIEVE IT.
Solicit your Prayers for Protection of Team of 5, going to do prayer walk KochBihar & it's Kali Temple on 11th February . 7am to 4pm. The reason of this strong hold and not even 1% are Christian's in this district of WestBengal, as per a report, the temple had 750years of Human Blood Offering( beheading for the first 500 years and now the local priest cuts his fingers to give token blood offering). Thank you for standing in the GAP on our behalf and this Town and district of 3Million Population
This is also some thing that I have enjoyed doing.
There is a "friend" and coworker of mine that is unsaved. Please pray for me as I reach out to him. He is also from an Agape church (commonly known as remnant churches or charity churches). For more info, you can look up Ephrata Christian Fellowship, Living Hope Christian Fellowship, and Harmony Christian Fellowship and you will see a good picture of what my background is.
Here is a link to a website I am running for those who would like to know more about my interests and the likes. Feel free to discuss things with me.
Doing our best together for the Kingdom. Called to follow and listen, not walk God.
Ivan or iain Born again when I was seven, Baptized but not accepted as a member of the Agape churches, started attending international union of churches evangelical Christian Baptist, or otherwise known as the underground evangelical Baptist church of the Soviet Union, with beliefs similar to the Mennonites. I now live in Kazakhstan with my beautiful wife from here and attend the same brotherhood church.