About transgenderism in children. Parents and professionals are raising their concerns, since it's irreversible and the child is mutilated for the rest of its life (unable to have children, or to be fully a man or a woman). For instance: professionals are threatening parents with the sentence: "Do you want a dead daughter or a live boy?" (Or vice versa). But studies show that the suicide risk increases with transition - not that transitioning a child to the opposite gender is the only solution to identity problems/gender disorder. One documented side effect of puberty blockers is depression. There is no scientific evidence that 'gender affirmation therapy' is a solution.
@tanjaostman yes. The increased suicide rate after transgender surgery is extremely well known and documented...ignored, too, sadly! As is the fact that the idea of being the wrong sex is very common during puberty, and disappears on its own if left alone if it does occur
Feelings are not facts...something hunger disproves every time we feel it after a big meal and spot the desert trolley
@Berrybunchfamily well put! Thanks for the comment! Yes, it's common with confusion during puberty... it's so sad that the confusion is encouraged!
@Berrybunchfamily and the craziness continues... https://youtu.be/N-5XRjpS4PE
@bethany @Berrybunchfamily yes it's sad! Young people are so lost today. They need to find their true identity in Jesus Christ.
@tanjaostman @bethany and there, right there, is the ONLY life defining change the need to make
Yes, yes, yes Tanja!!!!!!
@bethany @tanjaostman if he went to live in N Korea, I'm sure he'd change his mind quick enough....
Which is the point isn't it? When faced with abject truth and reality, our feelings take their natural place - feelings!
@bethany @tanjaostman maybe I could say I feel like Boris Johnson, and be PM for a few years...they'd have to accept that wouldn't they?!? It they accept tis madness then my hypothetical claim is just as valid....although we're both men, both English, both love the UK, and both want to see this nation do well
Our approach may differ though.........
@Berrybunchfamily I'd vote for you 😂
😂 @bethany
@tanjaostman er...help.....this guy has £150,000 for surgery? How? Who?
I sometimes don't feel British .....But I'm very definitely British......I mostly don't feel British because I'm embarrassed what being British is becoming
I'm still British though
@tanjaostman @Berrybunchfamily oh I've seen this guy! He's obsessed with this k-pop singer. So creepy... and also a little sad