@tanjaostman so amazing that the Lucia girl STILL has candles I her hair EVEN on a horse. Now that is a talent!
@sinbach They were riding through our village about 1 km. But nowadays most Lucias wear electric lights. I agree it would bee talented to ride with candles. But Finland's official Lucia use to wear a crown with burning candles!
@tanjaostman ALL the Lucia concerts I've ever seen have been with real candles
@sinbach @tanjaostman what?!? I wouldn't want that part!
@MaryMamuzich @tanjaostman sounds crazy but it's actually extremely beautiful and the story behind it of a woman who ventured into the darkness of the dead of winter to feed persecuted Christians is powerful.
@MaryMamuzich @sinbach yes, she was a martyr. There is a legend about Saint Lucia... I don't know how much of the details are true. This tradition is much more "family friendly" than the story. The Lucia day is on Dec 13th. Sometimes they have contests to choose the Lucia of the city / school etc. Therefore it's been criticized by some people, because they think it's a beauty contest. But they don't show much skin, and they are chosen not only for their looks but even how good they sing and traditional values. For example Finland's Lucia use to visit hospitals, nursery homes etc. where she sings with here "maidens", reads poems and talks to people. Many see her as a symbol for light and joy, and spreading the message of Christmas.
@tanjaostman @sinbach interesting! I like it!