
"A NUMBER of Russians have left Russia over concerns about the rumoured declaration of martial law and the impact of crippling economic sanctions.

With scheduled flights out of the country suspended except for Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, many have turned their attention to the rail service operated between the Finnish capital of Helsinki and St. Petersburg by VR, the Finnish state-owned railway company."

Please, pray also for the Russian people! All Russians don't support Putin, and life is getting harder in Russia. But I'm afraid they won't feel very welcome in Finland, as hatred towards Russians increase all over the world. Some Finns hate Russians, because of what their forefathers did to our country. But ordinary people are never responsible for their government, or for what their ancestors did!

Today we had a meeting at my workingplace regarding our Russian and Ukrainian students and colleagues. We have zero tolerance for hate speech.

@tanjaostman May many others have a heart like yours, filled with God's love for all people, no matter their nationality. This kind of love can make a huge impact for the Kingdom.

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