
Today I read about a moral scandal by the founder and leader of one of the most famous denominations in our world. I won't mention his name, because this post is not about it - but it's just an example that strong hierarchies, control, titles or fame etc. can't protect anybody from sinning. A strong relationship with Jesus Christ himself is the best protection. Some say that you can't control people, and make sure they don't fall into sin or heresies in non-hierachical churches, like but there is no Biblical proof for that idea. If Jesus Christ is the head of His Church (instead of a dominant leader), and Lord of our lives, things will fall into place. The book Reimagining Church by Frank Viola, focuses a lot on what the Bible says about leadership. A leader serves the people. The most common picture of the ekklesia is family (sisters, brothers), and leadership is being fathers and mothers.

@tanjaostman A lot of good points! Ive also understood it so that the church is, and should look like, as a living body with Christ as the head and as a building with living stones with Jesus as the cornerstone. It's a family where we are brothers and sisters, and where there are spiritual babies, youth and parents (so called elders, 1. Tim. 5:17).

"If Jesus Christ is the head of His Church (instead of a dominant leader), and Lord of our lives, things will fall into place".

Yes, Jesus is our Head, his Word is the lamp to our feet and His Spirit is our guide. We don't need one strong leader or an Old Testament priesthood-system to dominate us. However, we need to recognize, that no one can manage by themelves, even if one have these all in his/her personal life. We need not only the encouragement of one another, but also to be corrected, even disciplined (1. Cor. 5), by others (especially those who are mature in Christ:are elders) if we have gone astray and don't recognize our sin.

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