
This is ironically written by somebody. 😂 We are tired of the winter in Finland... April use to be spring time, not winter. It started melting a couple of weeks ago, but then it halted. It's been snowing again today. It started in November, so it's our sixth winter month... it's time for warmth, and to stop using winter jackets and winter boots, and to slip on icy roads.

@tanjaostman the Midwest of Illinois,USA has been unpredictable. We've had little bits of snow and rain and below average temps. Trying to plant some peas here. Maybe tomorrow

@tanjaostman I hear you loud and clear. For three years we lived in upstate New York state. We were an hour below the Canadian border. It started snowing in October, built up to 3’ on the level. It was finally gone the end of April or first part of May.

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