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Trying to catch some sunlight at 3 PM right before sunset. The days will get shorter until winter solstice December 21. Not my favorite time of the year before the ground is getting white. Sunny days like today are more of an exception since Nov use to be quite rainy.

The difference between right and almost right... Or like they @sinbach say in the BTJ podcast jingle "Even the devil will speak the truth for some purposes."

Good morning! Breakfast outdoors made on the campfire is wonderful. And the birds are singing in November! I didn’t sleep much (read my last post), but I feel refreshed after breathing fresh air all night.

I've been trying to fall asleep for 3 hrs in a sleeping bag in the middle of a dark forest together with ten other persons in a tent. It's close to zero degrees celsius outside, but we have a stove with a chimney in the tent, so it's warm. This might sound a little crazy, but in my age living a middle class life I don't want to get too comfortable, so I need to challenge myself. My grandparents were fighting the mighty Soviet army in The Winter War during WW2, in record cold winter with -40°C, to protect the independence of Finland. There are not many hardships that can be compared to that.

I hadn't heard about DuckDuckGo before @sinbach wrote about it on the BTJ website. Thanks for the tip! Now I use it as my default search engine and browser.

I don't know if this is correct... just found it in the feed. Finnish used to be the most common second language in Sweden until recently, but now it's Arabic. Interesting indeed that Polish is the second most common language in Great Britain!

We had a great 6 km hike today with the scouts, an hour drive away from home by a beautiful beach and in a pine forest.

This is a real DingDasher! A Finnish guy who communicates with Morse codes with people around the world. He started with a Finnish-American radio used during the Second World War. This device is from the 80s.

Me too. Honestly, I must confess it's not easy to stand the pressure. They are blaming us every day in Finnish media that the virus is still existing. I have seen several videos of Americans being ushered out of their working places. Yesterday a Christian man who was employedd at UCLA got fired because he wasn't jabbed. He had worked there for 7 years, and was working there risking his own health during the outbreak of c. (You can see the clip on rooted.wings on Instagram) I am still waiting for more people in my country to get their eyes opened on what's going on. But not even the fact that vaccinated people get the virus and transmit it, and that they get hospitalized, have open their eyes. The problem? We should give it to children 2-11 now. And a third and a fourth jab. They don't see any connections to young people and healthy people getting strange symptoms some weeks or months after the shot. There are three levels of adverse reactions, and immediate allergic reactions are rare.

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