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Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman , my experience has been similar on DD. Just uplifting, refreshing, a place that speaks of family in Christ. My husband and I who grew up "going" to church 3 times a week and more have been on a journey for the last several years in our faith and in our understanding of what the Church is and how precious the church is to Christ. Sometimes, the irony is so great: our understanding has enlarged about Christ and His bride, but the living out of it with others has felt small and often lonely to me in that so few seem to understand how to gather and "be" in Christ together without it having to be in a traditional church setting. We hunger for that mutual enjoyment of Christ. I find DD to be one of the first platforms I've found this.

It's going to be so wonderful when we get to meet face to face someday! Blessings to you in Finland, our dear sister.

I am overwhelmed and touched by the response I got here, when asking for prayer by people I have never met. ❤️ ❤️ 🙏 This is the body of Christ! There are many people here who take their faith seriously, and I am happy to connect! It’s not very easy to know whom to follow here, and connect with, since most profiles don’t say much. Sometimes it’s frustrating to take the time to write, and don’t get a single like or comment. But I have noticed that that’s the case for most on DD. We should connect more! Yesterday I wanted to renew my old profile picture on all social media, and had to make the change on FB to get it to Messenger. I got an overwhelming response from my friends there when they thought that I was back on FB, since I have been invisible there since Dec. 20, after being super active for 13 years. It reminded me that I miss a lot of people. But there are so many things that I don’t miss on FB, especially all time waste on meaningless arguments, censorship, ads etc.

PLEASE pray for me for healing, give me some good advice or pray that I find a holistic practitioner that’s not into the occult. I am over all healthy and have never been on regular medication. BUT the last few years I have had hormonal migraine from hell. The last few months it’s been more frequent than ever. The pain is so intense that I cry and count the seconds. Sometimes I throw up 2-20 times/day. When I don’t have migraine, I am doing well. The doctors prescribe only painkillers (not help with the root cause), that mostly don’t help. I have found a nose spray that costs 15 euros/dose. It helps, and makes me drugged. I don’t want to poison my body. I have struggled in life, but now I just want to do so much – not laying in bed for a day or two. I believe in supernatural healing, and have seen it. But so far I’ve never received quick solutions from the Lord – he is teaching me about the roots, not just cutting of branches. But this lesson is already learned. I'm so tired of it.

Why we need alternative platforms... This makes me sad and upset. Dr David Jockers is a born again Christian, one of my favorite health advocates of natural and holistic health. A humble man who helps people for real. It's not about money. He writes articles on natural health and diet that are based on scientific studies. You can seek him up to get his news mail, before he is totally banned from FB, IG and YouTube.

This is a little mean. But I can't help but share it. 😉

Are there any other countries outside of the Nordic countries that have similar red wooden houses? These houses where I live (Finnish west coast) are all 100-200 years old, but thoroughly renovated. We have a lot of them in this village - looks like Sweden, because they are typically Swedish (we were a part of Sweden for almost 700 years). The red paint originated from the copper mine in Falun, Sweden, and became very popular during the 17th-19th century. They wanted the houses to look like the more "luxurious" tile walls in Europe. Most houses in Sweden were wooden.

I'm not very used to ordinary secular Swedish-speaking Finns in Finland come to faith and openly confess their faith in Jesus (even if most are formal members of the Lutheran state-church). Most believers have grown up in Christian homes. Frida Rosengård used to be my student (to become a special ed. teacher) for a couple of years, and then quit. She tells here about her perfect facade, but the first time I met her I sawbehind her facade that she struggled. She missed out on lots of classes and I had a couple of meetings with her to help her fix her courses, but noticed that she didn't want to be honest about how she was doing. I was worried about her. Last year she attended miss Finland, and ended up top ten. She quit that before the final. This clip is long, but her English is perfect even if she hasn't lived abroad.

Tanja boosted

This is very moving. I think Jordan Peterson is inches away from the Kingdom. In the name is Jesus, come on in, Jordan!

Tanja boosted

I just released this new song that I recorded with my brother! I think you will love it!

I like helping my son (grade 6) with his English homework... but he doesn't need much help, it's quite easy for him. He has learned a lot by playing Minecraft and following youtubers.

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