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What?! Someone must be joking, and it's not even funny! 😅 Everything has already started to grow, and I've been in the garden with a t-shirt on. April in Finland...

Tanja boosted

Join us and discover the truth about cancer in our brand new 9-episode cancer docu-series - Quest for the Cures: Final Chapter AIRING FREE NOW ➡️

Please be sure to share this with your friends and family, so they too may WATCH FREE and discover the truth about cancer.

#TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC #Q4TC #FinalChapter #DrButtar #holistichealth

I ❤️ Finnair! It's been ranked the safest airline in the world several times. I so want to travel... I haven't even been to Sweden for a couple of years, which I use to be at least once a year.

Zach Vorhies, a Google whistle-blower tells in this episode about how even Google censor health sites.

Sign quickly up for The Truth about Cancer documentary that is airing live in several episodes right now, the next few days! They are online for 24 hours. This episode is available for a few more hours. They are telling the history of the highly corrupt pharmaceutical industry in the USA that started in the beginning of the 1900 with Rockefeller and others. There HAVE been several clinics in the USA that have been treating cancer patients successfully during the 20th century, but been forced to close down because of AMA. Some doctors were killed (poisoned, house burnt down etc). There are so many people that have been treated naturally, but their stories are silenced or censored, as well as their doctors. PLEASE educate yourself and allow your preconceptions to be challenged! I am not against science, quite the opposite. The more I dig and learn, the more my eyes open about all efficient methods and natural medicine created by God, that are silenced and hidden.

No more ice on the sea. Time for fishing with a group of teens that I'm leading with David. Enjoying the spring sun 🌞 in Finland and outdoor activities.

I love walking in the forest, (or forest roads) on my own, often listening to music or podcasts/teachings or praying. Sometimes I walk with my husband, but we both need much time on our own. He is a typical introvert, and I am more social, but sensitive, so I sometimes get sensory "overloaded" (ore how you say it in English). We both have jobs with lots of meetings, we need to be productive all the time and don't do much routine work. It takes its toll. That's why solitary time is so important.

It's a privilege to have drinkable spring water in a nearby forest, even if the tapped water is drinkable as well. The taste of "real water" is so much better!

Did you know that Justin Bieber has released an EP with only Christian songs? Did you know that he has been navigating towards Christ the last few years, that he has left his promiscuous lifestyle and married? That he has been close to death because of Lyme disease, and drug abuse? That he was born to a 17-year-old mother who had struggled with drug abuse and attempted suicide, but found Christ? That Justin was prophesied over just before his great breakthrough? That Justin regrets what he has done wrong? That he had all man strife for but felt lonely and empty? We Christians are sometimes too quick to point our fingers and too slow to pray for people! One reason is that we are jealous of their “privileges”, even if we should know that the only truly privileged are those who live in a close relationship with the Lord. There are so many in Hollywood that have sold their souls to “the system”, and they lose everything, even if they seem to gain it all.

When you live in a country where nature is dead for 6-7 months a year, and you survive long, dark winters (on the same latitude as Alaska, so it's really dark Nov-Feb) - nothing makes you more happy than seeing the sun and small signs of life in nature. The rhubarbs and chives are growing, and the last snow is melting. My son is waiting for the right moment to grow some potatoes.

Tanja boosted

With the green passport agenda barreling our way, I decided to share a piece of my mind and take a stand. Looking for a perspective on the vaccine passport that's grounded in Biblical truth? Read this post and go find God's voice for yourself this weekend!

Did you know that Justin Bieber ha released an EP with only Christian songs? Did you know that he has been navigating towards Christ the last few years, that he has left his promiscuous lifestyle and married? That he has been close to death because of Lyme disease, and drug abuse? That he was born to a 17-year-old mother who had struggled with drug abuse and attempted suicide, but found Christ? That Justin was prophesied over just before his great breakthrough? That Justin regrets so much of what he has done wrong? That he had all man strife for but felt lonely and empty? we Christians are sometimes too quick to point our fingers and too slow to pray for people! One reason is that we are jealous of their “privileges”, even if we should know that the only truly privileged are those who live in a close relationship with the Lord. there are so many in Hollywood that have sold their souls to “the system”, and they lose everything, even if they seem to gain all.

Tanja boosted

Prayers appreciated. My family and I are going through a time of testing. May we be faithful and experience anew the faithfulness of God. Physical healing for my daughter, healing of difficult relationships in extended family, and that we grow more in the likeness of Christ as we look to Him, are some of the petitions I'm lifting to the throne of grace.

Such a beautiful song! 😭

You have taken the precious from the worthless
And given us beauty for ashes, love for hate
You have chosen the weak things of the world
To shame that which is strong
And the foolish things to shame the wise
You are help to the helpless
Strength to the stranger
And a father to the child that's left alone
You invited the thirsty to come to the water
And those who have no money come and buy

So come

Behold the days are coming
For the Lord has promised
When the plow man will overtake the reaper
And our hearts will be the threshing floor
and the move of God we cried out for will come
Surely come, Oh God
And you will shake the heavens and fill your house with glory
Turn the shame of the outcast into praise
Now all creation groans and waits
for the Spirit and Bride to say
the words that your heart has longed to hear

Tanja boosted

I recently went thru the 30 days for the persecuted church that was posted by . I'm currently doing the 30 day devotional by BTJ. I'm struck by the difference in the measure of faith exhibited between the western church culture and the Chinese underground church culture. A few step out like David Wilkerson, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, but not so many of late. We seem to be waiting for a priest to do it for us in the western church. We all have gifts and callings, but possibly not having been mentored as Eli did with Samuel telling him to personally respond, "Speak Lord, I'm listening!". We only want to hear from prophets that tickle our ears and pay no attention that their words continue to hit the ground. We don't recognize the still small voice. Do we take Matthew 6:33 to heart and truly seek HIM?.

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