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Tanja boosted

A scientific paper on treatment for c-19 with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Treatment protocol by Dr Vladimir Zelenko. If Wikipedia calls him controversial, then I am all ears... 😊 Because one thing is for sure, our authorities don't care about my well-being. Then they would have done most of the things very much differently.

Tanja boosted

German #covid #vaccines form
The orange highlighted area shows that they planned for 6 covid shots

Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman Welcome to the Level of the Masters! We the Ninja Class congratulate You, most profusely!!
Ninja Tanja....I trust you to be faithfully in carrying out the duties of a Ninja!!!! 🤺

A ninja sooner than I thought! 😀 Am I playing with the tough guys now?

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted

I just attended a civics class for the preparation of becoming a US citizen

Abraham Lincoln fought to free the slaves
Martin Luther King Jr fought for equal rights for the black people

What is happening today?
Unvaccinated have to wear colored wrist bands in Germany
Unvaccinated can't go shopping for food or eat in a restaurant
Unvaccinated are discriminated against and portrait as the guilty one

History repeats itself
Rights are being reversed

During three seasons I can walk the stairs and during winter ski down this small hill, that is only a 5 min bikeride (or 15 min walk) from home.

I don't want to scare those of you who are vaccinated. But I am glad that they sometimes admit the connection to the vaccine... even if MSM always say it's very rare. I hear about these "rare" cases of death or severe injuries due to the mRNA every day.

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted
Robert W Malone, MD:

"Basically, what we have is the "give a three year old a hammer, and everything becomes a nail" problem. On a global scale. Public health policy as determined by bureaucrats and third tier intellects. God help us."
Tanja boosted

Did you know that prophets can smell? They can smell uncleanness. They can smell sin. They can also smell the sweet aroma of prayer and worship. They can smell bread where the Word is preached. They can smell the fragrance of the Lord when He is present in a church.
Prophet, don’t be afraid to smell; you are not crazy.

If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be?

I rose up to open to my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with liquid myrrh on the handles of the bolt.

J. Eckhardt - "The Prophet's Manual"

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