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I'm reading @sinbach's book right now, and the theme "from east to west" is central. It's super interesting to read about the Chinese vision to bring the gospel from China back to Jerusalem - and how it is rooted in Scripture. There are so many verses that talk about east and west, that I haven't even noticed, or heard anybody teach about. I suppose most people have not.

Tanja boosted

Father, in the name of Jesus, I am at the brink of my Red Sea, but I thank You for the miracles that come as I face impossible situations.

I thank You for Your saving grace, Your strong right hand, and Your outstretched arm.

No one has an arm like Yours! Even as You brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea, I know You are doing the same for me.

I depend upon You to see me through. There is absolutely nothing impossible for You, Jesus.

I take courage and comfort knowing that You are my strength when I am weak.

My trust is in You, God. I take You at Your word, for Your word will not return void unto You.

“There is a systematic effort going on right now to prevent the public from knowing about pilots getting very ill or very dead in the air. The airlines don’t want to lose money, and the administration doesn’t want the public to know the true dangers of the vaccine. I know for fact that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg ordered the airlines to classify incidents involving pilot deaths.”

Trying to catch some sunlight at 3 PM right before sunset. The days will get shorter until winter solstice December 21. Not my favorite time of the year before the ground is getting white. Sunny days like today are more of an exception since Nov use to be quite rainy.

Tanja boosted

Imagine....your child leaves home for school in the morning and later that day you discover that the government detained them and all their classmates and sent them to a government quarantine camp because someone in the school was suspected of being exposed to the coronavirus.
This just happened at our sons' secondary school in Hong Kong.
No one at the school was sick.
No one from the school has tested positive.
The detention of all 120 children and sending them to a government quarantine camp was based on POSSIBLE exposure.

"ICAN wanted to see proof of any instance in which someone who previously had COVID-19 became reinfected with and transmitted the virus to someone else.  The CDC’s incredible response is that it does not have a single document reflecting that this has ever occurred.  Not one. In contrast, there are endless documents reflecting cases of vaccinated individuals becoming infected with and transmitting the virus to others.  Such as this study.  And this study.  And this study.  And this study.  It goes on and on…"

Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman there's an awful lot of depressing news............i've had to learn to ignore some of it or I'll be overwhelmed, and I can take quite a bit of bad news

while in hospital there was a 6 year old having a panic attack..............a 6 YEAR OLD! it breaks my heart to think of that

Lithuania is the most authoritarian state in Europe right now. Poor people. They were suffering under Soviet communist rule until 1990, when they became independent (again). Without the covid passport It's even difficult to buy groceries. Sometimes I feel like taking part of a bad movie because of what's happening around the world. It doesn't make sense. Last night I had nightmares and woke up with anxiety in the morning. I just had to start the day with worship songs and then focusing on work. I had read and heard too much yesterday, that upset me. So much suffering! I wouldn't be as anxious if I wouldn't have a child. I think of his (and all children's) future in this evil and weird world. One thing is for sure, it is more difficult to be young today than it was only ten years ago. And then comes this evil plandemic that makes young people kill themselves in despair. I don't feel depressed but extremely frustrated and sometimes anxious, like today.

I've been active on DD only since January (but created the account berore that). I think the situation in the world, and the FB scandals and censorship, have contributed to the speed I am "dinging". I am only 59 dings away from becoming a NINJA! 😀 💪

The difference between right and almost right... Or like they @sinbach say in the BTJ podcast jingle "Even the devil will speak the truth for some purposes."

Tanja boosted

Recently, the CDC declared that COVID shots provide more immunity than natural exposure to the virus. But new data out of Israel paints a different picture. In fact, researchers found that immunity against the Delta variant from Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine” waned after a few months across all age groups. Learn more here now! 👉

#TheTruthAboutVaccines #TTAV #CDC #Pfizer #covid19 #covidvaccine #immunity

Tanja boosted

The video clip in the article is heartbreaking! 💔 This is abuse! It's not about if we are pro or anti vaccine. mRNA aren't made like traditional vaccines. It's just statistical facts that the risk for young people to die or get hospitalized by the so called vaccine is several times higher than dying from the virus. It's not a nice virus, but this is worse...

Tanja boosted

Covid update

Thankyou to those who have been praying and/or sending messages supporting us since last weekend! I will try to find a way of explaining just how important those messages have been, when Im able to

My wife of 25 years - today - made me take a self test, which showed I am testing negative for active virus. Which is good. Because any damage is already done, and it can't make me any worse.

We're aware this is good news, but not the end of this story. We still have a cough, feel generally very rough, and weak.

And Complications can still happen. But a negative test is certainly an encouraging step towards health

But thanks for your prayers thus far. They're still needed.

Andy, Jo, Steven, Nathan and Peter - The BerryBunch

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