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"These studies demonstrate what was and is already known: natural immunity for a SARS-type virus is robust, long-lasting, and broadly effective even in the case of mutations, generally more so than vaccines. In fact, a major contribution of 20th-century science has been to expand upon and further elucidate this principle that has been known since the ancient world. Every expert presumably knew this long before the current debates. The effort to pretend otherwise is a scientific scandal of the highest order, especially because the continued neglect of the topic is affecting the rights and freedoms of billions of people.”

"The search identified 45 relevant scientific papers and letters. The review showed that children have so far accounted for 1%‐5% of diagnosed COVID‐19 cases, they often have milder disease than adults and deaths have been extremely rare."

I don't want to induce fear by sharing this. But since MSM don't share about the high risk with mRNA and that the risk of hospitalization is several times higher due to the mRNA shot compared to hospitalization because of the virus in young people, I want to share this. The risk is higher in boys. I pray for all of the children in the world, for protection and health, whether they are vaccinated or not! We are all losers in the hands of the rulers of this world. I feel so sorry for the young people that have to choose between the shot or losing opportunities when it comes to schools and education. 🙏 💔

This is apartheid, but I'm glad that it's not as strict as in Australia, Canada, France, Israel etc. But I wish we would have chosen the same path as the other Nordic countries.

"While it remains to be seen how widespread use of the pass will be, the types of establishments which could request the pass include: sports venues, gyms, swimming pools, theatres, museums and similar cultural spaces as well as bars, restaurants and nightclubs."

Tanja boosted

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Autumn, Death and Life, S4, E20

After seeing some beautiful images of Autumn, or Fall – depending on what part of the world you live in – Andy B got thinking about cycles of life.
Because in life, just like those leaves, what can seem the end, can also just be the beginning of something else, and new.

As Christians of transformation makes sense when we first come to faith. But as we progress along our journeys, we can become far too comfortable with things that have simply past their Use By Date. Or we cling on to who we were, rather than letting go of the past in order to become who God is desiring us to become.

Sometimes what seems to be the end, is simply just the beginning. And sometimes, what we want to begin, can’t start until we let go of something and let it fade away or die off.

Andy B

You can Watch, Listen, or Read this post on our website -->

@tanjaostman this one was inspired by those fall images you shared recently!

I live in a country where the trust in authorities, politicians and journalists is extremely high. And it makes sense, because it’s the third least corrupt country in the world together with a few other. It’s easy for the leaders here to fool its people. There is only ONE narrative when it comes to c-19 in Finland. If you just ask a valid question you are left out in the cold. There are no questions asked in media regarding risks with vaccines, their efficiency etc. only “take it!” Our journalists don’t do ask inconvenient questions, only repeat what our authorities say. Every single article (both newspapers and scientific papers) that I have saved in my computer, I have found after taking time to search. It’s a detective work. Our media should share summaries of varying research results , but they don’t. What I’m missing out is facts on mutations of c-viruses. Is Delta even a mutation? Are the mutations less harmful? I’m not after conspiracy theories and guesses, but serious sources.

I read her (and her friend's) book Captive in Iran, some months ago and was very touched. These persecuted Christians are my heroes! They were under 30 but leading several house churches and had wisdom and spiritual strength beyond their age. And filled with the love of Christ. Boldness before evil sharia judges. I am talking about women growing up in Muslim homes in Muslim countries - not growing up in Christian homes, going every week to Sunday school and having access to endless of teaching, preaching and books. Tells that the most important thing is our daily intimate relationship with the Lord and surrendering. It's serious business, not an 8mage or a show.

No restrictions in Sweden, Norway or Denmark. 64.9-75.3 % of their population is fully vaccinated. Countries with higher rates of vaccination have rigid restrictions. These decisions are not based on medical science, but are totally political.

Tanja boosted

Did you know that sugar is a leading cause of cancer growth?

Tune in as Dr. David Jockers explains how sugar – especially glucose – is the fuel that helps cancer grow and spread. 👉

#DrJockers #sugar #cancer #healthyeating #TheTruthAboutCancer #TTAC

Tanja boosted

Is amazing how dependable we are of technology, it has replace big part of our lives. Use this opportunity to have a conversation with real people, those that are around us most of the time and we ignore because of technology! Wake up people!!!

Tanja boosted

Our dear friend Pastor Alain in Santiago de Cuba is facing charges for
Preaching the gospel in Cuba.
Please keep him and his family in prayers.

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted

Please pray for 'our vegetable sellers '!
Some of them acquired the trade during the lockdown.
They may fulfill the purpose for which they are placed in their communities.

Tanja boosted

One more of my friends on DingDash! Welcome @AnneHH !!

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