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Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman Hi Tanja. Even in Italy, doctors or scientists who speak against the official narrative are prevented from working. There are even some evangelical churches that are asking for the green pass as a requirement to enter and attend meetings. For now they are few and I want to hope that they do not increase. I have been without a salary since September because I have chosen not to accept the green pass. If I don't go back to work soon I'll be officially fired. The situation is really oppressive.

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted

Kyle is a professional mountain biker from Idaho. He is 29 years old. He tells this MD about the adverse reactions he got from the Pfizer shot. He is still not well. He can't exercise anymore, but he is slowly healing thanks to natural medicine. What makes me extremely upset among other things while listening, is that he knows about a handful of people who have committed suicide because they have been treated disrespectful and even experienced anger and hatred because they have told about their vaccine injuries. They should get all help needed when they aresick - instead they are being attacked. What's wrong with people???!!

Tanja boosted

@tanjaostman Last summer in Italy they introduced the pass as now in Finland. Then in September for those who work in schools and from 15 October for all workers. I hope that in Finland they do not do as in Italy. I pray that everything can go back to normal, in the name of Jesus.

Tanja boosted

9 new Iranians baptized in a special house church meeting!

"A report by the Swedish national council for crime prevention said earlier this year that Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, primarily because of the violent activities of organized gangs."

The first time we experience snow this season! Driving from Umeå to Piteå and Luleå in northern Sweden to visit friends. We went with a brand new ferry from Vasa (Finland) to Umeå in 3,5 hours. It's the world's most northern year round passenger ferry. It's dependent on icebreaker ships that break the ice before. This ferry is even the most environmentally friendly vessel in the world, because it's LNG-fuelled.
Thank you Sweden 🇸🇪 for not requiring any covid certificates at the border! And in addition we can pause the use of masks.

Tanja boosted

"While I was wallowing in self-pity, there was a whole world with literally billions of people who had no idea who God is, how amazing He is, and the wonders He has done for us. They are the ones who are really suffering. They don't know the message of the gospel.
But now I knew what it meant to follow God. Now I had found Jesus.
And all suffering is worth it to follow Jesus. He is that amazing."

This has easily become one of my favourite books I've read this year. Highly recommend for those who haven't read it.

Tanja boosted

The world's ways of responding to injustice are futile, doomed to failure. Politicians lie and ignore us, but our Heavenly Father hears our prayers and answers them in His perfect timing.

"I used to wear nice clothes to cocktail parties. Now I just wear the truth" DC Draino. Respect!

Living as an entertainment lawyer in California, “If you believed anything to the right of communism, you got shunned,” he said. “After 2016, if you vocally supported the GOP, President Trump, or even just conservative ideas, you lost friends, you lost job opportunities, you got unfollowed on social media.”... "He started an Instagram account under the pseudonym “DC Draino,” although his name and identity are publicly associated with the account now. “Drain the DC swamp!” he says, assuring me he’s “very anti-corruption.”

O’Handley gained followers by the thousands and the tens of thousands right away. Something about his persona struck a nerve."

We had a cold, frosty morning with -2°C. Soon winter is here!

Tanja boosted

Jesus is the Main Thing.

This is why I like BTJ over the "Big" missions coming through my inbox. I don't feel like I'm just a number on a faceless contact list. Thank you BTJ!

"Facebook wants Back to Jerusalem to pay money for advertising, which we refuse to do. We don’t pay for Google ads or SEO optimizing. We do not have a marketing company or dedicated marketing personnel working for us. In terms of marketing, we do everything wrong and yet there are still so many people visiting our website every day." from BTJ article.

Tanja boosted

Help Me! Why is this happening?

• 1 in 6 has had Covid (possibly more, 40% asymptomatic)
• 60% are fully vaccinated in USA
• Covid vaccine has an effectiveness that is non-zero.
• Natural immunity has been found to be more effective than the vaccine
• vaccinated can still be infected
• vaccinated can still transmit
• vaccine may have side effects

So why are vaccines being mandated?
Logically it does not make sense to me.

Tanja boosted

In Italy the situation is really unbearable. Without a vaccination passport you can no longer work. As I have already written to you since the first of September I am at home without work. It's sad but it's happening right under our eyes. I have been a believer for twenty years and I can assure you that it is a very hard test. I am also thinking of expatriation but I don't even know where to go. They took our jobs away! Pray again for my wife and me. Let's pray together for Italy. Remember that what is happening now here could happen anywhere because Italy has been chosen as the world leader for the organization of vaccinations. Thanks again. I love you in Jesus Christ.

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