Good morning Ding-Dash. This is a picture of countryside where I live 🤩 I'm just having an early morning walk.

@tymektt I have been around the world, and I say this as a proud American, few continents have the wide spread beauty as Europe. Certain nations admittedly have amazing landscapes (fields, oceans, beaches, mountains, floral valleys) but they are encapsulated, limited, held in place by unseen borders - they do not have the breadth that just continues on and on and on as it does through all of Europe. A drive through fjords of Norway, Islands of Hebrides, beaches of Nice, vineyards of Sienna, Mountains of Tyrol, hamlets of Czech, waterfalls of Croatia, islands of Greece, to the rolling fields of Poland - it is all somehow ....unfair.


@sinbach Every time for the last 10 years when I was flying back home from the middle east I was EVERY time touched by the beauty of the land where I live.
Landing in between green forests and colorful hills of Krakow after a long time in the desert! This is almost romantic!

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