I'm so impressed with @sinobach having the founder of "Global Middle Finger to end Christinity" in the BTJ podcast! He had even insulted Eugene on their website, but Eugene is only kind and respectful to him. If this would be an apologetic debate Eugene would win 10-0. I have to take break in the middle (sharing even if I haven't heard everything yet), because I need to concentrate so hard to hear and understand what Scarlet is saying. It might have to do with me, not being fluent in English. But he has a poor articulation (under some influence?), doesn't always answer the questions or being logical and consistent. What this tells me? Don't be afraid of this kind of people! This guy is not the brightest person I have heard. πŸ˜… But on a positive not he is not aggressive, not at least in the first half of the interview.


@tymektt hello Brother! Read the post on the Move in your city amongst the teenagers. Great! Absolutely Brilliant! Glory God!

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