

Is Jesus a Liar! Then He can't be the Son of God! Or even a prophet of God! He is either telling the truth when He said He's the Only way to the Father or He's not!!! There is No in between!
And He is the Only One of ALL religions Who died for our sins and rose from the dead with evidence!!!! 🛐 will pray

Are you familar with the Shroud?
I'm normally not a fan of religious relics but this one is impressive! If you're unaware please check it out.
Here is a short partial clip about it:

@Jf_dream I have read about it but I'll look at this, thank you for your care!

@Jf_dream @MaryMamuzich this is a very powerful piece that we share about in our Bible Study series called Chasing Revival. Many people do not know that the sick king of Odessa sent a letter to Jesus asking him to come and heal him. After Jesus ascended into heaven, history tells us that Thomas and Judas traveled to the king carrying the garment that Jesus was buried in - the Shroud. The king, seeing it, was healed, believed, and his kingdom became the first Christian nation in history.

@sinbach @Jf_dream wow! That's incredible! Jesus' powers are beyond amazing and brings me so much joy and hope.

@sinbach @MaryMamuzich

I've not heard about this story. Very interesting, I'll have to check it out!

I find enough evidence in the Shroud's favor to find it compelling!
Here is a couple website links about it:
This uses PDFs
(Both can be dry reading but informative)
This is a Ted talk of the photographer Barrie Schwortz with the first research team on the Shroud. Very interesting!

There are more maybe I'll add later.

@Jf_dream @MaryMamuzich Learned about this many years ago as a new believer. I'm not convinced it isn't a catholic relic. (I was raised Catholic.) But, I'm not bold to proclaim anything.

@KarMarJo57 @MaryMamuzich

I personally don't trust the vast majority of religious relics Catholic or otherwise. This is an exception as far as my study of it. Checkout the links I've posted before if you're interested.


I find enough evidence in the Shroud's favor to find it compelling!
Here are a couple website links about it:
(I don't agree with the Catholic theology but the information on the Shroud is very intriguing!)
(This site uses PDFs)

Both sites can be dry reading but are informative.
This is a Ted talk of the photographer Barrie Schwortz with the first research team on the Shroud. Very interesting!

@Jf_dream I think after viewing this and further looking at it - here is what I think for what it's
The Burial of Jesus John 19:38-40
Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph
was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews. With
Pilate’s permission, he came and took the body away. He was accompanied by
Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night.

@Jf_dream Nicodemus
brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs.Matthew 27:59, Mark 15:46, and Luke 23:53 describe Jesus’ body being wrapped “in linen cloth,” not “in a linen cloth.” John 19:40 is much more specific, describing strips of linen cloth (not a single sheet, as is the Shroud of Turin), “in accordance with Jewish burial customs.”

@Jf_dream This is my perspective as well and I found others who see it. Jesus was WRAPPED in a fine linen cloth, not LAYED in a fine linen cloth. If it was smaller strips or meaning the width of the woven cloth, it doesn’t matter, it was wrapped on his body. The body wasn’t laid on the linen and then covered the body.

@Jf_dream In addition, I see a problem with the blood having direct contact with the linen when Jesus was coated with 75# of myrrh and aloes that would have absorbed the blood. Also, the Scriptures speaks particularly (and maybe for this reason) that the cloth wound around His head was laid aside in a different place than where the body had been laid.

@Jf_dream It was intact in it’s wrapping, therefore, there would be no facial image on the linen if this is the case. This person was obviously crucified and perhaps also crowned with thorns. It could have been a Christian follower. Peter was crucified upsidedown.

I do not feel this is an image of Jesus.

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