I can't buy my beloved freshly made Skagenröra in Northern Sweden, so I made my own today for the very first time...and have to say....it turned out AMAYYYZING!

@sinbach wow! Looks delicious! I suppose nobody who's not Scandinavian knows what Skagenröra is...? 😀 So you are back in Sweden? Hope you will get snow, if you are in Bruksvallarna! I so much miss the white landscape we experienced last weekend in Luleå and Piteå! It's just dark and grey here now, as the leaves have fallen off and the days are so short.

@tanjaostman Skagenröra is a little like me - part Swedish and part American. the inventor of Skagenröra thought of the idea after being in the US and discovering thousand island dressing and Rhode island dressing. he used it with shrimp and roe and bam - Skagenröra


@sinbach @tanjaostman oh!! Now I don't have to look it up. I thought maybe I'll try to make some... But I can't eat seafood... bummer!

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