
Hot 🔥 topic I'm seeing on YouTube is debates on whether Woman are called to ministry. The Complemtarian and Egalitarian schools of thought...
Would like to know your thoughts. .. @Berrybunchfamily @bethany @MaryMamuzich

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich to be honest I'm not familiar enough with either side of those arguments to say my thoughts on them.
I will say that I think 'ministry' is an odd word and I'm not sure how useful it is in the grand scheme of things. Are women called to serve God? Yes. Can that look a hundred different ways? Also yes. I'm not sure it's any more complicated than that

@bethany @Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich dear Bethany...I totally agree with you!
Sadly I lost a couple of friends recently over this...I still wonder why they were so upset..that I disagreed with their view.

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich it's incredibly sad when things like this divide the church. To what end? I can't see that it brings glory to God in any way. I'm sorry you lost those people. I hope in time they will come around and be open to having a respectful conversation with you

@Olamide @bethany @MaryMamuzich

There's ministry and there's ministers, although lead elder would be closer to the biblical position

I'm with Bethany there - on the matter of the word used

But I take the literal biblical view on the idea of ministers and preachers

At secondary school I forced myself to think that women could be ministers. But the more I read scripture, and I've met many women vicars over the years, the more I believe that what scripture teaches is what we're supposed to go with

Any argument for women to be preachers/ministers that I've read is always so very complicated and long: I get lost trying to understand the argument of the person writing it

It isn't a popular view I'm sure, but while I'm deeply passionate about ministry being something we should all do, I also believe God set aside certain people for certain functions

If we place value on those functions we'll easily get into arguments.

@Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @bethany I agree. I wouldn't want to be a minister of a church but if there was no man to do it, I would do whatever the Lord lead to do such as Bible study and fellowship - a gathering for worship and singing praise.

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily @bethany Jesus wouldn't lead a woman to do anything contrary to scripture. My girls went to a private Christian school that was ran by all women not because that's what we wanted but that's how it was. Two guys were on the Board and showed up to meeting -That's it.
I think Jesus uses a willing heart to carry out whatever the work is.
Why would ppl argue over who is serving God and the spreading of the gospel?
Isn't it: Lord, send me.

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