Hot 🔥 topic I'm seeing on YouTube is debates on whether Woman are called to ministry. The Complemtarian and Egalitarian schools of thought...
Would like to know your thoughts. .. @Berrybunchfamily @bethany @MaryMamuzich

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich to be honest I'm not familiar enough with either side of those arguments to say my thoughts on them.
I will say that I think 'ministry' is an odd word and I'm not sure how useful it is in the grand scheme of things. Are women called to serve God? Yes. Can that look a hundred different ways? Also yes. I'm not sure it's any more complicated than that


@bethany @Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich dear Bethany...I totally agree with you!
Sadly I lost a couple of friends recently over this...I still wonder why they were so upset..that I disagreed with their view.

@Olamide @Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich it's incredibly sad when things like this divide the church. To what end? I can't see that it brings glory to God in any way. I'm sorry you lost those people. I hope in time they will come around and be open to having a respectful conversation with you

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