@sinbach I like your idea. Could you link me to some of the videos you are referring to?

I'm torn in two. I've longed to be a missionary for years, but I'm intimidated by the challenges and my own shortcomings. Any thoughts?

Heard that martial law and military takeover might be on the horizon, if not outright civil war. God have mercy on us all

ThePilgrim boosted

Christians continue to be slaughtered in Nigeria. Will the Body of Christ stand up, speak up, and speak out? How long shall we continue in our long march of silence?

A good Thanksgiving all in all ... Hallelujah

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I did something this week that i NEVER thought I would do in my lifetime....
I spoke at an illegal church gathering in the US.

Well, with the way the election's turned out, better brace ourselves!

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Shocking Video! Muslims teaching young girls how behead infidels. YouTube allows it even though they have a record of removing Christian videos for 'offensive' Bible teaching.

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Please pray for Brother Ren the translator of Brother Yun. They were on their last evening of tour in Sweden when he grew really sick. He has a fever and sore throat. He has had heart surgery and has a pace maker.
Thanks for the prayers.

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We all have the potential inside us to bear fruit, in fact from the point of creation, we were created to bear fruit! It’s not something we have to convince God to do in us but instead, by keeping constantly submitted and connected to the vine, it’s something we can walk in continually. God help me to hear Your voice and walk boldly into Your perfect plan for my life. 🙏🏻

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This is our last Sunday here. Heading back to China this week. 😀 😥 😀 😥 😀 😥 😀 😥

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ThePilgrim boosted
ThePilgrim boosted

My daughter, Emily, isn't feeling well, and has dialysis tomorrow, she has been waiting 9 years for a second kidney transplant. Several complications. She does need prayer!

Finally left Facebook behind. But I'm still trying to figure this website out ....🤔

You know, it's really scary how much technological observation of people has grown with government approval

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Day 1 of our 30 day prayer guide for North Korea!

Today we focus on Kim II Sung and the impact of his rule! Follow the link to learn more and please join us as we pray 🙏🏻



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