I had to share this (especially for @MaryMamuzich and @Berrybunchfamily).
I was at someone's house for dinner last night, and they made maybe the most typical Yorkshire meal there is. Made me think of you both 😂

@bethany @Berrybunchfamily so in this yummy looking meal, I see nothing in the yorkshire pudding...? Is that right?

@MaryMamuzich It's really kind of a pointless addition the more I think about it 😂

@bethany well, I'll do some twerking of this British pudding bread thing! I'll add some apples and cinnamon to the batter or fill it with chicken, beef and veggies...🤔


@MaryMamuzich British pudding bread 🤣 Well I thoroughly look forward to seeing all the different versions you come up with

@bethany yes! I never follow directions or go with the flow!

@bethany so was yorkshire pudding used as a kind of tummy filler so not so much meat was needed?

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