
The latest elections in Israel point to a MASSIVE social shift! -That the Israeli people are abandoning socialism for God's Word.

@sinbach I keep trying but Israeli politics is inscrutable to me. It is nothing like a Bible believing American Christian images that it is. God's gonna have to work it out.

@sinbach but the lockdowns and forced vaccinations are not reflective of this

@sinbach I'd rather have a country full if socialists than those God-hating, Jesus-crucifying zionist demonic kabbala jews.

They aren't even Jews. Those who are circumcised by heart are the .

Repentance and faith in Christ is their only hope. But 'religious Jews' would crucify Christ the very day he came back for them...

@sinbach this is exciting! It is prophecy coming to pass. You can see God's hand move and you can see that there will be Revival that is going to hit the lLand. Scripture says that in the last days that all of Israel will be saved. How awesome!

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