
Jet lagged, it's dark and snowing outside, and I just finished watching Casablanca for the first time.
Why has NO ONE EVER told me about this movie?!

@sinbach haven't watched that in.....forever! It is good....and that's about all I can remember, I'll have to watch it again

@MaryMamuzich @bethany and I rarely agree, but we both came to the conclusion we liked this movie

@sinbach @MaryMamuzich I don't know about RARELY agree... but yes. This was a good one

@tanjaostman not alone. My oldest is too busy with graduation stuff right now to go. 😥

Yes indeed!
Have you seen The African Queen?

Don't make that call until you see the African Queen.
After that Key Largo.
But The African Queen is in a class
by its self.

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