Anna Luke boosted

@sinbach this is answered prayer. This is what has been holding me back. I’m putting my best man on it! Is there a way to save your posts? My kids always said such funny things that bring back great memories.

Anna Luke boosted

Watching Francis Chan this morning. He was once told by a Pastor do not talk about judgement day do not talk about hell. Today I have many friends and family members on my mind today. Make us brave Jesus to have hard conversations with people. In Jesus name I pray.

Anna Luke boosted

@messenjahofchrist "Go cobra kai on them" 🤣🤣🤣 just watched the series so found that pretty funny. To bad its on Netflix and will be sitting out season 3.

Anna Luke boosted

@sinbach 😂 my first laughing symbol just got put to good use!

Anna Luke boosted

Eating out tonight and this was above our heads. First dingdash post🎉

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