Advent 2020 - Day 4
Jesus is coming!
The first man was from earth, a man of the dust; the second man is from heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:47 (CSB)
Andy’s first experience of a Christingle was when he led the team that delivered one to nearly 800 guests at a church in Hampshire. When the first candle was accidentally lit early, it certainly made for an interesting baptism of fire!
We'll broadcast ours on Sunday 20th December, from 4pm (UK)
Find out more at our website -
#christingle #christmas #jesusiscoming #godo #berrybunchfamilyfive #candle #traditions
Advent 2020 - Day 3 - Jesus is Coming!
God saw all that He had made, and it was very good indeed.
Genesis 1:31 (CSB)
#berrybunchfamilyfive #BringingHope #Advent #Jesusiscoming #Christmas
Advent 2020 - Day 2 - Jesus is Coming!
Colossians 1:15-16b (New Living Translation)
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,
for through him God created everything
in the heavenly realms and on earth.
#berrybunchfamilyfive #BringingHope #Advent #Jesusiscoming #Christmas
Our last Episode of this Season, and this year - of Little Blessings Online, your online Baby and Toddler Group - is ready to watch at
This week we look at The Wise and Foolish Builder in our latest home grown story - Ernie the Building Inspector.
Jo Jo leads us through a really simple Art Time where she shows us how to draw our very own, custom coloured, wall.
The BerryBunch
An Andy B 2 Minute Video:
Sheep produce wool, because they’re sheep.
Just like us – when we walk with God the fruit of the Holy Spirit is the natural outpouring of that relationship...............
Read more -
#sheep #God #berybunchfmailyfive #trust #relationship #shepherd
By the end of Monday, we'll have a store of 130 free video resources you can use as they are for your family or church service, or just to inspire you and the people around you - to your own creative bests.
But, we're not done yet! Because we're also planning for Jo Jo's Crafty Christmas and a Live Broadcast Christingle Service.
Visit the website and sign up to get updates on more, new, material as it released.
The BerryBunch
Something 4 Sunday, Series 2, Episode 7, Being Benaiah Brave
Our last episode of Something 4 Sunday for this season, and this year, will be available to view from 0800 (UK) Sunday 29th November.
This week we look at Benaiah - an amazing man who went on to become King David's bodyguard
The BerryBunch
We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel
We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to give thanks to God too!
So what can we pray for?
The BerryBunch
#pray #dailyprayer #berrybunchfamilyfive #God #intercession #givethanks #petition
We broadcast a live Prayer time, on weekdays - currently from 1pm (UK), via our Facebook channel
We take maybe 15-20 minutes to pray through things in the world, close to home and to tive thanks to God too!
So what can we pray for?
The BerryBunch
#pray #dailyprayer #berrybunchfamilyfive #God #intercession #givethanks #petition
I've made a new gadget. I can now video myself while using the [better quality] rear facing camera - and see what the smartphone sees so I stay in shot etc.
Before, I held it with a hand (or tripod), and had to use the front facing [rubbish] camera, or have help via one of my sons to hold the phone and keep me in shot.
All in, it cost me under £8 (2 x mirrors)
Check out this blog if you want to know how and what I did :-)
@Olamide - something for you perhaps?
Andy B
Off the back of a request by @Olamide we've put together a page on our website with Behind the Scenes Photos and tips, some of the history behind the website as well as a list of the equipment we use.
I enjoyed putting it together and hope it will inspire others to their own creative bests for Jesus and building His kingdom!
Andy B
We've been busy on some other super important projects recently including our website.
We want to do justice to the 120 plus videos we've already created and uploaded - all free for you to use via our YouTube channel.
"Daily Family Prayers, Live" returns next week (23/11/20) at the new time of 1pm.
Andy B
#workinghard #berrybunchfamilyfive #godo #something4sunday #something4sundaylite #littleblessingsonline #prayer #plans #godisgood
Celebrating 24 years of the BerryBunch today.
God is good and we're blessed with a beautiful family and a great marriage.
#anniversary #celebrate #berrybunchfamilyfive #Godisgood #joy #blessed
This photo reminds me to keep hoping.
My short blog post shares how this image of me, being exhausted, brings much comfort and hope in the UK during lockdown 2.0!!
Andy B
#hope #tired #worn #anniversary #keepgoing #stamina #Godisgood #berrybunchfamilyfive #covid #marriage #celebratelife #livingthedream
We're going live in under 40 minutes for our Light Party, and we're super excited!
We're going to stick to just one live stream this evening - to our Facebook page. Just look for the live video a few minutes before 7pm :-)
We'll upload a recording to YouTube, Instagram TV and of course, as soon as we finish - so it should be available to watch, again, from around 8pm (GMT) onwards.
The BerryBunch
Little Blessings Online, Season 2 Episode 6
In this week's episode of our Online Baby and Toddler Group, we're looking at different types of light.
We have an amazing story about Paul and the Bright Light and Jo Jo teaches us how to make a super simple paper torch in our Art Time.
Available on YouTube ( Facebook, and Instagram TV, from 1030am (GMT) on Monday 2nd November.
Andy B and the BerryBunch
Something 4 Sunday, Season 2 Episode 6
We're looking at light in this episode, because Jesus is the Light of the World and the Light always wins!
Jo Jo and Peter use a den to help us memorise John 1 v 5 and demonstrate an enlightening model for Family Prayer.
Andy B follows the link from John 1, to Psalm 33 and right back to Genesis 1.
Available on YouTube ( Facebook, and Instagram TV, from 8am (GMT) on Sunday 1st November.
Andy B and the BerryBunch
Something 4 Sunday LITE, Season 2 Episode 6
Jesus is the Light of the World and the Light always wins!
If you're short on time, or simply want to go a little deeper, than S4S LITE is perfect to brighten your day!
A short message then our older boys challenge us with three things we can #GoDo
Available on YouTube ( Facebook, and Instagram TV, from 12pm (GMT) on Sunday 1st November.
Andy B and the BerryBunch
While sitting in the car, waiting for Jo to get some printing done, I saw a Cruise Liner, which got me thinking about resting - both passive & active.
So, to the tune of rain beating on the roof, it got me pondering about how we rest; if God rested on the 7th day for the world - setting a beautiful rhythm for us to follow - and if we can rely on God, how does this affect our intentional resting as the children he adores?
Andy B
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch