It struck me hard – as I went to bed last night – feeling utterly tired, frustrated and exhausted from another episode of unpleasant palpitations, that I shouldn’t be having by now, because I had a 95% chance of them fading to nothing within 8 weeks after heart surgery.

What did I have to be thankful for?

As I lay there, fed up, finishing what should have been a weekend of rest for us as a family, after 6 months of relentless pressure and strain, that I did not have anything to be thankful for.

prayers appreciated

Steven (my 20 year odl son) is awaiting surgery for what they believe is an inguinale hernia

He woke in severe pain around 0530, soJo rushed him to hospital

His heart rate was high, but that settled eventually

And being woken at 0530 also triggered palpitations for me

so i had to back to bed as Jo drove to hospital

He is now due for surgery "soon"

Praiuse God for answered prayer, though - i saw a lovely message praying for us. but when i was nudged to back and read it out loud my palpitations ceased immedeately

Andy B

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