S05E017, Just Stand Still! Andy B 2 Minute Video
In 1996 my girlfriend, and I, were walking through the central heart of Manchester City Centre. We had noticed a very heavy police presence, and police helicopters flying overhead but we had no clue what was shortly coming!
There was a sudden crack, and a thunderous noise - with a shockwave I’ve never been able to verbalise. People were screaming and glass panels, many times larger than a person, were falling dangerously close. One strike from any one of those panes would have killed you outright.
Jo and I were standing underneath those panels as they fell to the ground.
All in all we got off fairly lightly – I only had to deal with a pounding, excruciating headache that never abated, for several weeks. I was told I got off lighter than many other people. [READ MORE]
Andy B
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S05E016, Take 5!!!, Andy B 2 Minute Video
Are you in a busy season right now?
There’s nothing wrong with being busy! But, when you’re experiencing a period of time with a little more to do than normal, don’t forget to take 5 and, in my case, make yourself a mug of tea and enjoy what you’ve already managed to get done!
Just a thought…
Andy B
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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.09.2022
Always make sure that faith is an active part of your financial planning.
It isn’t a nice luxury, that can be helpful sometimes.
Faith is as valuable as the air we breathe.
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S05E014, Helpers are Helpful! Andy B 2 Minute Video
When life throws you something you weren’t expecting, it’s always a good idea to get some help!
Sometimes those helpers can do no more than just listen to whatever it is you are struggling with. But, they can also have some wisdom – especially if they have also been through something similar.
Our initial reaction is something we really don’t have much say about. It’s mostly from who we are.
For example, when disaster strikes my wife is simply brilliant She isn’t fazed at all! Later on, she will reflect…and maybe cry over what happened early.
Me? Well, I crumble first! Like a chocolate tea pot.
It’s mostly how I’m made up – but I’m also brilliant later on.
I wonder who you’re more like? [READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e014-helpers-are-helpful-andy-b-2-minute-video/
S01E002, Danny Boy, Dave Unleashed
Dave the Dog is back with more Dave Unleashed. Once again JoJo is there to keep him on track!
Dave continues to show off his all new, no expense spared, flashy, well decorated set for this new programme.
Watch Dave the Dog continue to settle into his own show and get to grips with what he is supposed to be doing with the help of JoJo on the side lines. And work out for yourselves whether he behaved himself or not!
Dave the Dog and the BerryBunch
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s01e002-danny-boy-dave-unleashed/
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 20.09.2022
Don’t invest so heavily in the future, that you forget to invest in the present.
Planning for the future can be great. But, so is living in the present.
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/a-brief-pause-with-andy-b-21-09-2022/
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 21.09.2022
A good marriage isn’t all about compromise.
A good marriage is all about sacrifice.
Compromise may help in the short term, but sacrifice lasts a life time.
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/a-brief-pause-with-andy-b-22-09-2022/
Missed our radio show?
S02E008, Money Matters! Marriage Matters, Part 1
n this episode of Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo focus on finances in marriage – Money Matters on Marriage Matters, now that’s a mouthful!
Actually, as Andy and Jo discuss the issues and share their own stories, it soon becomes apparent that one episode on this subject is not enough – so they promise to come back with Money Matters Part 2!
Although, as Jo informs us there are as much as 2000 scriptures relating to money, Andy and Jo do not choose one! Instead, the episode is centred around the scripture that talks about how quarrels happen because let’s face it money and everything financial, in marriage, is in the top 10 reasons for arguments!
However, Jo brings up two other useful scriptures. The one when Jesus provides money for taxes by fishing and the women in the bible with the jar that kept on giving: [READ MORE]
Andy and Jo
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s02e008-money-matters-marriage-matters-part-1/
60 Second Update, Issue 27
Konnect Radio Show – Family Focus
Exciting News!
Andy B and Jo launched their very own show on Konnect Radio called Family Focus. The Radio show started on 4th September and is on air every Sunday from 4 pm – 6pm.
Andy and Jo are joined by Dave the Dog and invite you to join them for good chat, great music, and fun-filled features.
Gather around the radio, as a whole family; what else would you do on Sundays from 4 pm?
Dave the Dog Show – Dave unleashed!
It’s hard to believe, but Dave the Dog has his very own show too! The first show went out last Monday and Dave will continue to provide fun for all the family every Monday at 4 pm.
JoJo managed to keep Dave on track last week, so we have every faith that, although Dave did get side tracked, JoJo will steer him in the right direction this week! [REWAD MORE]
The BerryBunch
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S05E013, Standing on the Rock of Rocks! Andy B 2 Minute Video
The seas crash against the shoreline, and the shoreline gets claimed by the sea and it is the same in our lives – things come along to erode away at the very foundation of who we think we are.
When Queen Elizabeth II recently passed away, I will never forget being in our garage, having just arrived from I don’t now remember. I told the family. Jo’s first response was for her eyes to well up, and she shouted ‘No!’. I was simply lost with pain and grief because Her Majesty had a certain faith and, with her passing away, a period of uncertainty immediately dawned upon us, including a new Prime Minister. Much is going to change now.
But, it isn’t just about what may come next. It is also about what was, that is no more. [READ MORE]
Andy B
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S02E009, Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 24.09.2022, Money Matters Part 2
What's coming up in our next Marriage Matters Podcast?
Andy B and Jo return to Money Matters in Marriage Matters this week – matters about Money that matters because Money matters in Marriage, just like matters about marriage matters!
Jo starts with reviewing Part 1 and highlights how finances have been a top reason for arguments in marriages and reminding us that there are around 2000 scripture verses relating to money – so must be important!
Join us for Marriage Matters: Saturdays from 4pm
Andy and Jo
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@Berrybunchfamily Thanks I’m much better today!
S05E012, Say What?!? Andy B 2 Minute Video
Do you ever have those moments when you’re listening to someone who is in the middle of saying something, and it is as if somebody just slapped the back of your hear. Because what they just said was absolutely not what you were expecting.
Perhaps it is the name for something you associated differently. Perhaps it is an opinion that seems diametrically opposed to other things they’re saying. Perhaps it is simply because they quoted something totally out of context.
I’ve had many of those over the years. Growing up with someone who is severely narcistic and you get used to things like that. That is quite normal, for someone like that.
However, it doesn’t help the person listening. [READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e012-say-what-andy-b-2-minute-video/
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch