@sinbach @MaryMamuzich, I've loved BTJ and anything associated with this God- given vision since the early 2000's, but in early 2020, when Jesus connected me with the BTJ podcast, I can look back and see how the Holy Spirit has strengthened my love for Him and His marvelous plan which is being carried out through His church globally, and this very real strengthening has come through your ministry, Brother Eugene and BTJ team. Just praising God for you in these days and praying His supernatural covering over you and your lovely family.
@sinbach isn't God incredible and amazing!! I love how he brings us together in Christian love it's like no other feeling and impossible for me to put into words. I will continue to pray. I'm sorry your wife is hurting and needing surgery. I also pray for you and your boys.
@MaryMamuzich thank you so much for your prayers! They were sooo timely! Nobody knew this, but just yesterday, my wife had to start using crutches to walk. Arthritis in her knees is now so bad that she can't walk without them. She has tried every drug, natural remedy, exercise, therapy, shoe, and even had minor surgery - but all to no avail. it looks like she will need to have both knees completely replaced.
And my youngest son....he is making the incredibly difficult decision of whether to go into military intelligence or a special warfare unit. he has already been selected by both, so now he has to choose. you have NO idea how much your prayers mean to us. thank you for standing in the trenches for our family.
My Spirit's Song
Holy Spirit elope with my heart
And together let's depart
On a flight above gravity's height
To nest in a realm of love and delight
Beyond the eagle's sight and nature's blight
Where earth is dark and heaven is bright
Help my wings to cope with Your pace
Till we reach that glorious place
Where all I see is Your lovely face
And my heart is infected with Your grace
Where the God-kind design's solutions
To cure mankind's confusions
Where no wind can extinguish this sacred flame
In my heart that burns to glorify Your Name
It is the summit of Divinity
The zenith of spirituality
Where Your LIFE banishes mortality
And I emerge as a glorious entity
Reflecting the nature of the Blessed Trinity.
@sarikorpi amen
@sarikorpi here's the link of the video on YouTube
This is exactly my thought why God allowed the war in Ukraine. Please watch the video in the link below.
After the Nigerian civil war that lasted between July 06, 1967 and January 15, 1970, a great spiritual hunger and thirst was birthed, which gave birth to a mighty revival. The impact of that revival is still being felt in Nigeria today and other African countries. I believe that the Russia/Ukraine war will lead to a great spiritual awakening in Ukraine, Russia, and other parts of the world. Wars and natural disasters create in the hearts of people the desire to experience God's love.
"Spirit of truth and love,
Life giving holy Dove,
Speed forth Thy flight,
Move on the water's face,
Bearing the lamp of grace,
And in earth's darkest place,
Let there be light."
Russia is very right to attack Ukraine and Ukraine too is very right to defend itself. NATO is also right to help defend Ukraine. But which of these interests is God's perfect will? Which interest will benefit God's kingdom more? I believe that the defense of Ukraine will by far profit the advancement of God's kingdom more. Lord, Thy will be done. We need peace in Ukraine.
Cain left God's presence and "succeeded" in building a city. He never returned to God. The prodigal son left his father's house and was a failure in a far country. His failure made him to return to his father. May I never succeed if I ever wander away from God's presence or His perfect will for my life.
@sarikorpi Hallelujah! Glory to God.