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Charlie boosted

Found this in my phone. Can't remember who said it...

"Believer, Jesus loves each and every one of us equally, but He can only trust you in proportion to your obedience. It's one thing to say 'Jesus loves me'. It's another thing to say 'Jesus trusts me'.
You want to walk in His power? You want to be a mighty weapon in the hand of the Father with which He brings destruction to the kingdom of darkness? Then He has to be able to trust you."

@sinbach so excited for this vision!! His kingdom come and will be done!

Charlie boosted

Such an amazing testimony this week!
A Christian fellowship in closed Muslim nation increases by 20% in ONE WEEK!

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One of the most amazing people I have ever met. It was an honor to help tell her story. You and you church will NOT want to miss Mariam Ibraheem when she tells her story.

Wow… crazy days ahead if they pull this off… “Experts warn Facebook’s metaverse poses ‘terrifying dangers’”…

Charlie boosted

For reasons I can't explain, this photo was covered up and filtered by Facebook for being "violent or graphic." 🤔

Charlie boosted
Charlie boosted

Recently, we did a Father, Son and Daughter mission trip together to preach the truth on a College Campus. We turned it into a vlog for you to be inspired!

Charlie boosted

The definition of freedom is the power to do the will of God. God created us for a purpose, and we will only be free when we fulfill that purpose.

Nobody "allows" us to do God's will. The only question is, "What price am I willing to pay to fulfill my calling?"

Sarah Lu suffered six years in Chinese prisons, including torture, for her faith. She still suffers today through the separation from her family, which she endures for the Gospel. But she is free. Nobody has hindered her worship and obedience to God. This is her story:

Charlie boosted

We have reached episode 100 of Fuel For The Harvest! In recognition of the milestone, this episode is dedicated to all who daily suffer for the name of Jesus and for those who have paid the ultimate price for the sake of the Good News! We share untold stories of believers grappling with their lives on the frontlines.

Charlie boosted

I hadn't heard about DuckDuckGo before @sinbach wrote about it on the BTJ website. Thanks for the tip! Now I use it as my default search engine and browser.

@Kruselady I did not. I don’t have the skills to do so 😄

Charlie boosted

Thank you for sending us funds!
Thank you for taking the risk !
Thank you for standing with us!
Thank you for teaching us!
Thank you for the
Feedback from some sessions mentioned above.
3 families, only 1 set of spade and fork.
5 hectares of land, same tools grandparents used.

Strange and unbelievable stories!!!
The primary need is not 'more dollars ' for more ministry.
Breaking the curse of , cycle of paying .

Solid teaching in the Word of God, helping them to have a personal relationship with God.
The journey continues, thank you for your prayers.
(Representative pictures from open source)

Anyone who cares about the Church is noticing it: young people just don't seem to be staying in the church. It's a concerning trend. More and more of those who have grown up in the church are leaving and not coming back. Why is this happening? In this episode, we discuss some of our theories and offer some feedback on how we may be able to turn the trend around.

Charlie boosted
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