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My parents found a picture that survived their house fire a few years ago. Me at 2.

3 Easy Ways to make friends on DingDash!
#1. Create REAL profile pic. No one likes making friends with picture of cross or a scenic path in the woods. It's weird. It's even harder to engage you when you leave your photo blank. We feel like we can know you if we can see your face.
#2. MAKE NEW FRIENDS. Click on Home, Timeline or if you are feeling frisky - Federated Timeline and find people posting things that interest you. Click on their profile and click the button to follow them. Comment on their post.
Go ahead. You can do it. They won't bite.
#3. RELAX. Don't make ALL your posts about religion, politics, and the end of the world. Share about hobbies, pets, food, interests, or give tips on restaurants in your area.
I LOVE this community and want to get to know as many of you as possible.

Parler is still down.
During the lock down - more people shopped on - Amazon supported the lock down.
During the lock down - more people connected on Facebook - Facebook supported the lock down.
During the lock down - more people used Google - Google supported the lock downs.
During the lock down - many people lost their jobs, but Amazon, Facebook, and Google grew richer. those that questioned the lock down were blocked and shut down by Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Politicians that supported the lock down were protected by Amazon, Facebook, and Google and received campaign support.
People questioned this connection and were forced to use alternative platforms to communicate. Facebook, Google, and Amazon coordinated to shut down any significant competition.
This is why Parler is shut down.
But isn't that good for DingDash?
An attack on freedom of speech, information, press, and assembly is an attack on us all.

I forgot my real camera at home but managed some decent shots with my iphone. How I wished I had my real camera though!

My uncle’s memorial in FL was beautiful. The weather was beautiful and Lake Swan Camp was beautiful. It’s cold here. Posting pictures of FL to remember the warmth. 😂

Download your Facebook Photos in less than two minutes. Click on link here:

Americans take notice:
The same people who would not use troops to protect your city or build a wall to protect your nation are now using both to protect themselves.
( just an observation )

To play the video, please click on the link in my comment, not on the picture

Time to switch to BRAVE or Gab Dissenter browsers!
Mozilla, Firefox planning to censor conservatives at the browser level; deplatforming isn’t enough

I did a podcast last year with a woman who helps hundreds of underaged women that have been raped, sold, and enslaved for videos carried on PornHub.
You can download the app for PornHub right now on both Apple and Google.
Amazon hosts their servers.
PLEASE tell me again how Parler is dangerous.

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DingDash is one server in the network