
3 Easy Ways to make friends on DingDash!
#1. Create REAL profile pic. No one likes making friends with picture of cross or a scenic path in the woods. It's weird. It's even harder to engage you when you leave your photo blank. We feel like we can know you if we can see your face.
#2. MAKE NEW FRIENDS. Click on Home, Timeline or if you are feeling frisky - Federated Timeline and find people posting things that interest you. Click on their profile and click the button to follow them. Comment on their post.
Go ahead. You can do it. They won't bite.
#3. RELAX. Don't make ALL your posts about religion, politics, and the end of the world. Share about hobbies, pets, food, interests, or give tips on restaurants in your area.
I LOVE this community and want to get to know as many of you as possible.

OK. I put up a real profile picture. This is the only social site I do this for. lol

@sinbach I haven't yet been able to add a pic, as it seems a bit complicated on my phone . But, I'll keep trying.

It's not the easiest to find on a phone. If you go to "edit profile" and scroll down to Avatar, you'll see "choose file". You should be able to set your profile picture there

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