
@sinbach @Backtojerusalem @holistic

" 'Under the Economic Crisis, Chinese Wealth Could Vanish Overnight' en
Author: Translator: Lisa‬
Edit: Ashley
2023-12-16 16:38:48
Page views:245
Estimated reading time 1mins"
"Summary: ‭China's debt crisis is escalating, and the nation is on the brink of financial rupture.‬ Coupled with a series of adverse domestic and international factors, the camel's back is‬‭ burdened to its limits, making it increasingly unlikely for the Chinese economy to endure‬‭ beyond 2024. Chinese citizens may not only face the return of difficult times, but the wealth‬‭ accumulated over decades could also evaporate overnight.‬"

@sinbach @Backtojerusalem @holistic

"China's borrowing has escalated at an astonishing rate in recent years."

This is a disaster for a people known for it's endless hard work, frugality, thrift / productivity etc - what are they doing up in the corridors / management and their international overlords etc??

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